Sanjay Arora

Sanjay Arora was born in Kobe, Japan, to a Japanese mother and Indian father, where he graduated as valedictorian from an international school prior to attending Stanford University in California. With his Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial Engineering, he moved to Tokyo to work as a consultant. He spent 14 years working in finance for Morgan Stanley and Lehman Brothers, covering central banks and hedge funds as a Japan specialist.
Sanjay became involved in Hawai‘i real estate in 2000 and moved here with his family shortly thereafter. Having personally purchased and sold Hawai‘i real estate as a principal, he has a good understanding of the worries and concerns an international investor might have.
Sanjay is an active leader of the Stanford Alumni Association, organizing many of their events, including professors’ presentations and sports viewing parties. Sanjay’s interests include exercising (he has run the Honolulu Marathon), baseball and music. He is also a big supporter of the American Cancer Society.
Sanjay’s wife Haruko was born in Kamakura, Japan. She spent 10 years in New York and she also worked at the Tokyo offices of Morgan Stanley and Lehman Brothers. She currently writes a popular Japanese blog ( about living in Hawai‘i.
Their two children graduated from Punahou School and Stanford University. Sho graduated with a BS & MS in Computer Science/AI, has participated in both Punahou and Stanford’s marching bands, and is working for a tech company near campus. Yuka graduated in 2020 with a BA in Comparative Literature (emphasis on Music & Film), is an influencer on social media, and works in digital media/marketing.
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2000年に投資目的及び老後のためにハワイに家を購入するが、予定を早め2001年に家族で移住。何回かの不動産取引の経験からクライアントの立場になって考えられる。特に海外からの投資家の身になって物事を理解できる。レベルの高いバイリンガル能力が強み。スタンフォード大学同窓会のリーダーとして、ハワイでの教授のプレゼンテーションやスポーツ観戦パーティーなど多数のイベントを担当。趣味は運動(ホノルル・マラソン完走)、野球、音楽。American Cancer Society(アメリカ癌協会)のサポーター。
プナホウ・スクールを卒業した子供は2人ともスタンフォード大学に入学。長男はコンピューター・サイエンスで修士まで取得、マーチング・バンドではテナー・サクソフォンで活躍しつつ、IT企業でAI担当。ギター、ピアノ、ドラムスも演奏し、特に六本木のライブハウスのステージで演奏するのが日本での楽しみ。2020年に比較文学(Comparative Literature)専攻で卒業した長女は4歳からフラダンスを習っており、スタンフォード大学のハワイクラブに積極的に参加していた。大好きな音楽や映像プロデュースを専門的に学びながらビジネスも勉強し、SNSではインフルエンサー、そして現在は東京で広告会社のデジタルコンテンツ・クリエイターとして働いている。