HLCF Grant Application - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

Hawai‘i Love Grant Application

HawaiiLifeCharitable Fund › HLCF Grant Application

The Hawai‘i Love grant program was created to support the Hawai‘i Life Charitable Fund’s mission of working to preserve Hawai‘i’s beauty and culture by supporting its people. Each year, Hawai‘i Life agents and brokers collectively choose a giving focus. HLCF makes grants available to eligible 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations across the state whose programs align with both our mission and our giving focus for that year.

The giving focus for 2024 is:

Malama Ka Aina A Me Ke Kai – Stewardship of our lands and ocean, their flora and fauna. wildlife and endangered species.

Throughout the year, HLCF may make grants in other areas of interest, but we regret that unsolicited proposals outside of our annual giving focus will not be considered.


  • All applicants must be a 501(c) and in good standing.
  • HLCF will focus on local, grassroots organizations based in the state of Hawai‘i adhering to the 2021 giving theme Ohana Love.
  • HLCF will award no more than one grant per organization at a time.  Organizations are eligible to apply annually, however Hawai‘i Love Grant recipients are only eligible for a grant every three years.
  • Award funds may not be used for the following purposes:
    • Operating expenses, including salaries or benefits;
    • Lobbying or political activities;
    • Payment of any debt or liability owed by the organization or its principals.
  • All organizations awarded funding shall submit a final report (report format requirements issued when funds are awarded) by December 1, 2021.
  • HLCF is a donor-advised fund of the Hawai‘i Community Foundation.  All grant recommendations are advisory in nature and not binding on the Foundation.
  • The HLCF does not accept incomplete applications or applications from organizations with overdue final reports.


Step 1) Submit a cover letter with the following information:

    • Name of Organization
    • Point of Contact and Job Title
  • Phone Number
  • Email Address
  • Mailing Address

Step 2) Complete a proposal narrative outlining the following items:

  • Provide a description of your organization, staffing, primary mission and history of your service area. (1,500 characters max.)
  • Describe the issue/opportunity that will be addressed with the $5,000 HLCF grant funding. (3,000 characters max.)
  • Provide a brief budget narrative and timeline describing why the funds are needed and how they will be used within your organization. (4,500 characters max.)
  • Please share how the beneficiaries will be positively affected if this opportunity is funded?  (2,500 characters max.)
  • Provide a short, two-minute video (cell phone video acceptable) summarizing the above requirements.

Step 3) Additional required documents:

  • Board of Directors list
  • IRS 501 (c)(3) determination letter
  • Your organization’s annual operating budget for the current year
  • Your organization’s balance sheet for the most recently completed fiscal year
  • Your organization’s income statement (or profit/loss statement) for the most recently completed fiscal year. Audited financial statements are preferred but not required.


Ohana Love will be the Hawai‘i Life Charitable Fund’s giving focus in 2021.

Grant applications for the 2021 grant cycle will be accepted after November 1, 2020. All completed applications must be received by February 1st, 2021 for consideration at the March Board of Directors meeting. All completed grant applications or questions can be directed to give@hawaiilife.com.

Mahalo for making our community a better place!

If you have all of the above materials ready to submit, let’s get started! 

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