You've Purged and Decluttered. Now What? - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

You’ve Purged and Decluttered. Now What?

At this time every year I usually talk about tips for decluttering and purging to help get homes organized or prepare for the Spring selling season.

This year is different.

Having spent most of 2020 social distancing, we’ve all had more than enough time to declutter, purge, organize, repair, and renovate, whether or not thoughts of selling were even a consideration. My visits to City Mill, Home Depot, Lowes, and Target here on Oahu were busier than most grocery stores! As a Certified Home Stager, seeing shopping carts full of various shelving, storage bins, and containers, and the thought of all these people organizing their homes, put a huge smile on my face! Yes, organization makes me excited — I can’t help it!

Here we are now in the winter of 2021. Life as we knew it before Covid-19 will probably never be the same, not necessarily a bad thing, and some areas of our lives are slowly starting to return to a new normal. As the Covid-19 vaccine becomes available and masks are a necessary fashion accessory, our lives are little by little getting back to being busy outside the home, be it school, work or play.

How to Keep Your Home Clutter-Free

Now that we have spent months purging and decluttering, let’s talk about how to keep it that way:

  • Everything has a place so “Put it Back” immediately after use.  If you can get everyone in your household to do this you are Golden!
  • Have hooks, hangers, baskets, and bins “Strategically placed in your home” for jackets, laundry, keys, mail, outgoing packages, crafts, and work projects.
  • Stop buying and stop accepting items from friends. Unless you absolutely need it — don’t bring anything into your home.
  • Replace that needed new outfit going into your closet for 2 “Never Wear” or “Out of Style” outfits for the donation bin.
  • Time limit your donations. After a month of collecting items, it’s time to drop them off at the nearest donation location. Some even have drive-by.
  • Make your rewards for a job well done, a “moment.” Instead of buying that cute knick-knack or kitchen gadget you don’t need, treat yourself to a massage or go hiking with your bestie.

Do a Little Every Day

It takes time to replace old habits with new ones, but keep at it. Every single day take a quick walk through your home and grab those few items that are not where they belong. You’ll soon realize that keeping your home decluttered can be stress-free, making way for a more relaxed home atmosphere.

Is it Time to Sell?

If you decide it’s time to sell after all, give me a call. You’ll be excited to let me know your home is already purged and decluttered putting you way ahead of the competition in preparing your home for sale. ~Aloha, Gina

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Kimberly Soares

February 11, 2021

Thanks for the great tips! I really like your “reward” ideas. TY!

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