A Year In The Life of Beautiful Mauna Kea - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

A Year In The Life of Beautiful Mauna Kea

What started out as a school project for a class at Palamanui has become part of my morning routine. Understanding the importance of the maunas on our beautiful island was just a small part of the course of study in the Stewardship class that I took last Fall. My teacher Pua Lincoln would talk about Mauna Kea, and even though I could see it from my backyard, I honestly never really looked at it other than to acknowledge that it was there.  As I sat and listened in class, I began to realize just how important this majestic mauna is to our island and to the people of Hawai’i.

I decided as part of my final project I would take a picture every day for the entire semester and present it to my class. One of the biggest lessons that I learned from this experience is that you should never take for granted something that could literally be right in your own backyard. To this day, I still take a picture and it reminds me to honor this beautiful place I call home. I hope you enjoy this year in the life of Mauna Kea video I have put together.

Make sure to follow me on Instagram for more Hawai’i Island images #dedicatedtoourmorningwalks

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Jeanne Hahn

December 12, 2017

Thank you! Your video sparked in me gratitude for this life.

Beth Thoma Robinson

December 13, 2017

This is absolutely beautiful, Linda. Thanks for sharing this tribute to Mauna a Wakea


December 14, 2017

You rock! What a great idea! Love the different seasons; weather.
Thanks for sharing

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