Why Market Share Matters - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life
Market Trends

Why Market Share Matters

Are you wondering how to go about choosing a good real estate agent? Or, are you an agent looking to join the right real estate brokerage? Either way, there are certain things you expect in a Realtor and in a Real Estate Brokerage. Things like a solid reputation, honest dealings, and market knowledge. Cutting-edge systems and tools also play a large role in achieving successful outcomes and are factors in your decision-making.

Deep Understanding of the Local Market

But, what about market share? Does a company’s market share make a difference in your overall experience as a consumer? An agent? In my opinion, it does, and here’s why. I’ve worked for small boutique companies, mid-size companies, and large brokerages. Each was unique, and each provided the basic tools I needed to be successful and to serve my clients well. But, what I’ve learned over the years is that a company that has a large share of the market has a deeper understanding of that market. When you sell a lot of real estate, you experience a lot of things that are happening in the market. In. Real. Time. The housing market changes constantly, and the changes that are noticed by those who have broad reach can make a difference — a difference in your analysis, your decision-making, your timing, and your outcomes.

A company that has insight into local market trends and patterns before they become mainstream definitely has advantages. Those advantages are passed on to you. Think of it as a deep dive. When you are in the shallow water,  you don’t see everything going on underneath the surface, but the deeper you dive, the more you discover. The more you experience. A company that has a large market share dives deeper into the market. Volume leads to more experiences and to a deeper understanding of the nuances at play. Understanding the subtle nuances in your specific market matters. It matters a lot. Especially in today’s market.

First to Notice Trends

I love working with a company that notices trends before others. Sometimes we even start them. The breadth and depth of our combined experiences and the sheer volume of our sales equips us to equip others — both agents and clients alike. Market share matters because knowing a market as diverse, complex, and dynamic as ours is impossible without the combined resources and experiences of many. In the case of market share, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Our “whole” at Hawaii Life is over $1 billion in sales this year alone. That’s a whole lot of market share, but more importantly, it’s a whole lot of market knowledge!

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May 12, 2021

AMEN! What a great Blog. Deep market knowledge is what we do best! Nice job.

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