Why I Teach - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

Why I Teach

This week, I taught a “GRI Representation, Ethics, Agency and Fair Housing” class. Next month, I’ll be teaching a class on listing property. The Code of Ethics is my speciality (and personal favorite), but I teach a gamut of classes. You’ll often find me at the Honolulu Board of Realtors teaching. Why? Because after 40 years in an industry I love, I enjoying sharing some of the things I’ve learned.

As a consumer, you’ll be glad to know that our local associations place great emphasis on the education of our members. We know that you need highly skilled and caring Realtors to help you in what is likely the biggest transaction of your life. As Realtors, we have a fiduciary duty to those we serve. You deserve to work with someone who understands their fiduciary duties of loyalty, confidentiality, diligence, and reasonable care. Someone who is professional, knowledgable, and highly skilled. Educated. Caring. Competent.

Yes, I’m passionate about education. So much so that I serve on the education committee at the Hawaii Association of Realtors. Being with like-minded members and serving you, the local consumer, is an honor and a privilege.

I teach because I care. And because I know how important it is to equip my fellow Realtors so that they can serve you well!

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