Why Hawaii Life? - An Agent's Perspective - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

Why Hawaii Life? – An Agent’s Perspective

What do you look for when you hire a real estate agent? If you are like most people, you want someone you can trust. Someone knowledgeable. Skilled. You want assurances that they will support you through the process and you want good marketing and maximum exposure for your property. You also want a successful outcome, which you have every right to expect. Bottom line — you want good value and good service.

You might be surprised to learn that real estate agents are looking for the same things when they join a real estate brokerage. They want to work with a broker they can trust. They want support. And, they want top-notch tools and technology so that they can provide their clients with the utmost in marketing. When looking to join a brokerage, it’s important for agents to know that they are affiliating with a company that is market savvy, knowledgeable, innovative, and reputable. A company that will provide great agent services and added value.

Company Culture & Leadership

Commissions and agent fees may also be a consideration for agents, but at the end of the day, what matters most is company culture. The leadership of a company and the other agents within a company make a difference. A big difference. Just as a right relationship is important for you to have with your real estate agent, it’s equally important for a real estate agent to have a right relationship with their leaders and their fellow agents. In other words, it has to be a good fit. The right fit.


So, why did I choose Hawaii Life? All of the above. But frankly, it was mostly about culture. Sure, there are other things worth mentioning — like great design, great tech and tools, great marketing and market share, etc., but what it really boiled down to for me is culture. A company’s culture matters. Perhaps more now than ever. Navigating the business of real estate through COVID has required flexibility, innovation, and leadership. It has also required leaning into the basic principles that Hawaii Life was built on. Principles that we like to call Hawaii Life’s HLMOs:

We Are Hawai‘i Life.

And so we have an obligation to understand this place, the culture, and people.


Listen. Be present. Walk a mile.

People Are Precious.

Build positive relationships and a family spirit.

HL Style.

Hawai‘i Life has its own style. We love good design. We strive for beauty, quality, and functionality in all elements of our company.


Seek paths and solutions that are light and efficient. Minimize waste.


The results are instant, contagious, and powerful.


Create original ideas and solutions. Look beyond our industry.


Hone your craft. Work smart. Research. Deliver. Represent.


Be honest. Trustworthy. Reliable. Humble.


Support people and causes in an authentic manner. Fill someone’s cup. Say “mahalo.”

Be the Momentum.

We are more like a movement than a corporation.

So, just as you look for certain qualities in a real estate agent, agents look for certain qualities in a company. Why did I choose Hawaii Life? I think our HLMOs say it all!

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Beth Thoma Robinson, R(B)

December 23, 2020

So well put, Cherie! We are so glad you and your team chose to be with us at Hawaii LIfe!

Linda Hussey

December 24, 2020

I absolutely love this blog. Hits the proverbial ” nail on the head”!

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