What is a MRP? | Military Specialized Professional on Oahu - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

What is a MRP? | Military Specialized Professional on Oahu

What is a MRP?

A military specialized professional is a real estate professional who understands the challenges of a military relocation.

The MRP training and certification requires extension training in the selling and home-buying process for veterans.

  • VA financing and eligibility
  • BAH rates on Oahu
  • VA loan “limits”
  • Military procedures

I am a military spouse, and I’ve done the relocation many times over. It’s a process. And I will be the first to say, relocating to Hawaii (across the Pacific ocean) is different than most relocations. There are the obvious reasons: shipping housing goods/cars across the ocean, lodging, etc… the lack of information regarding the move — it almost seems you’re the first to relocate to Hawaii.

Temporary Housing

During PCS season, it may be tricky to find temporary housing on base — on Oahu, there are a great (few) hotels that will offer stays honoring TLA (temporary lodging allowances). The Alohilani Resort is where we stayed when first arriving on island, and it has become our favorite hotel on Oahu.


BAH Rates (Basic Housing Allowance) / COLA (Cost of Living Allowance)

If you are like us, we were happily surprised by the BAH rates in Hawaii. Yes, the cost of living really is high here in Hawaii — it’s all relative. But, did you know by choosing to live on base housing — you will be foregoing the un-taxable allowance/income?

VA Loan

Speak with a local VA lender. VA loans are specialized and unique; talk to someone with VA lending experience and knowledge. Not every building or property will be VA approved. Since time is of essence when it comes to PCSing, the last thing we would want to do is spend time with a property that is not VA-qualified.

Mortgage Consultat, Nicky Cruz, shares — “VA Loans are a great program for our deserving men and woman that serve and have served in the military. With up to 100% financing, meaning nothing down for the Veteran, it is the least we can do as a country to give back to those who gave so much. Especially with no loan limits…it is an awesome way to help our vets get into their dream homes.”

military couple

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Cherie Tsukamoto

November 25, 2020

Great article! Loved hearing the firsthand experiences!

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