What Does In Escrow Mean? | Active Under Contract - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

What Does In Escrow Mean? | Active Under Contract

Once an offer is accepted — the property is now in escrow or under contract.

In Escrow – Showing vs. In Escrow – Not Showing

Yes, you guessed it. In escrow – showing means the property is still available to view. The reason a Seller may want to market their property as still available to see could be for many reasons. The most common reason is simply due to the fact that the sale or transaction is not over, until it’s over. In Hawaii, there are many contingencies that must be met before the transaction closes. For example, professional home inspections need to occur and approved, loan needs to fund. Continuing to market the property and have it available to show for any potential Buyer might be the best thing for a Seller.

In Escrow – Not Showing

There comes a point during a real estate transaction at which it no longer makes sense to have potential Buyers wander through the home, especially if the home is occupied.

Our Kaimuki property just went into Escrow. Priced and smarketed (smart marketing) well — 8 days on the market later, we accepted an offer! Although we accepted an offer, we are continuing to show to those who are still interested.

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