We Make Real Estate Transactions Look Easy, But They Aren't - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

We Make Real Estate Transactions Look Easy, But They Aren’t

Have you ever had a real estate transaction that seemed easy? If so, I’d like to go out on a limb and suggest that it only “seemed” easy because you had a good team of professionals on your side. When everything goes as it should, clients sometimes think it is an easy process. It’s not. Believe me.

You may have a good idea of what goes into a transaction. Most people do. But, knowing is not doing. Getting a property sold in a smooth and timely fashion takes skill. Experience. And I might add, a great deal of stamina.

What Does a Real Estate Transaction Entail?

Let me share a story about a recent listing and escrow. Perhaps it will give you an idea of the process and the value of a good team. The names have been changed, but the story is real.


Mr. & Mrs. Stevens decide to list their home. They need to sell as they can no longer handle the maintenance and expense of a big home. After interviewing several agents, they decide to work with me. The paperwork is signed and now the work begins. We start with decluttering, cleaning, staging, and photography. Fortunately, we have a great crew of people who are all experts in their own right. As they say, it takes a village. Frankly, this is the fun part. Getting a home market ready does take work, but it’s rewarding. It feels a bit like showtime!  And, we all look forward to the premiere!


Once the property is launched, our marketing efforts kick into high gear. It’s all about maximizing exposure, so we do a myriad of things to expose the property at large. Our Create Team gets busy developing great marketing pieces. It’s now time for e-marketing, blogging, networking, open houses, virtual tours, and promotion! We market and then we market some more.

Our marketing is effective. We attract buyers. Good buyers. All the pre-listing work and marketing efforts pay off. Multiple offers are generated. A purchase contract is signed. Escrow is opened and the real work begins.


You may think the hard part is over, but it’s really the escrow transaction that requires the highest level of skill. Once you open escrow, there are still many hurdles to overcome. A lot of hurdles. Think disclosures, inspections, appraisals, loan approval, termite inspections, and surveys. There are many moving parts and they all require coordination. Tracking. Expertise.

In the case of Mr. & Mrs. Stevens, there were property boundary issues. Did I mention past water damage and disclosure issues? Oh, there was also an appraisal shortfall. And, loan approval was delayed. Twice. Oh, and there were Harpta withholding concerns that needed addressing. None of this is really all that out of the ordinary. Most transactions have issues. Some more than others.

The Key to a Smooth Real Estate Transaction

The point is that real estate transactions are complex. They require attention and expertise. So, if you’ve had a smooth transaction, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was because you had a team of seasoned and expert professionals working on your behalf. Just sayin’……

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Jakob Vaughan

November 20, 2020

Super good, as usual!

Anna Severson

December 11, 2020

Cherie, good blog… it’s like how a good surfer makes it look so easy…

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