Board Seeks Waikoloa Village Association General Manager - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life
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Board Seeks Waikoloa Village Association General Manager

The General Manager of the Waikoloa Community Association, Jim Whillock, informed the Board at the last Board meeting that he plans to retire on June 30, 2012.

In his retirement to the Board, he has offered to assist the Board in finding and training his replacement, and the Board is currently reviewing options. The Waikoloa Village Association handles amenities such as golf course, stables, tennis courts, pool, and restaurant.

Why I decided to write about this today is to bring up the sense of humor of the General Manager who, since his retirement announcement, rumors have been flourishing…here is what Jim Whillock had to publish last week to stop rumors and speculation in the Village:

“Wow, the rumor mill in Waikoloa Village is amazing!! I ran into a homeowner in the store today and his eyes got wide as he pointed at me like he had just seen Bigfoot. He was of the impression that I was “gone,” as in not here anymore, as in something terrible happened, or I did something terrible…OK, folks, I AM RETIRING…I’ve worked for the better part of 51 years…I’ve earned it! There is no subplot, no soap opera, just boring old dinner at 4pm, teeth in the glass at bedtime, living on 4 hours of sleep a night retirement. Some you can relate, I’ m sure…

The Board asked me to assist them in finding a replacement and I have agreed to hang around for awhile to ensure that the new GM is up-to-speed before I fade away. Understand, I have a huge chunk of my heart right here. Not only have I spent the past four years giving the village the best effort, I own a condo here. I am not going anywhere…as my dear old father used to say back in the Ozarks…it’s business as usual around here. I’ll be here for quite awhile yet.

Please, no more Bigfoot sightings, no more rumors, no more speculation. Let’s all grow up and push the village up one more rung of the ladder to being the best place in Hawaii to live, shall we?”

I live, work, and play in Waikoloa Village…always something new to report!

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Katie Minkus, R(BIC)

March 18, 2012

Catherine – I think you should throw your hat into the ring!! You’d make a GREAT Waikoloa Village GM!!!

Katie Minkus, R(BIC)

March 18, 2012

Catherine – I think you should throw your hat into the ring!! You’d make a GREAT Waikoloa Village GM!!!

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