Are you uncertain about the future? We all are. We cannot predict a lot of things, especially in times like this. So, in uncertain times, what do you do? For one, it’s important to acknowledge the uncertainty. Leaders are uncertain. Employers are uncertain. Wall Street is uncertain. The real estate market is uncertain. Nobody truly knows what the social and economic impact will be due to COVID-19. So, what do you do?
Find Clarity in Changing Times
Well, once you acknowledge the uncertainty of it all, find clarity. Yes, you can still have clarity in the midst of changing times. It’s true. You can be clear on the next step you are going to take and the reasons for it. You can be clear about what’s important to you and to your family. Clarity is defined as the act of being coherent. Intelligible. You can be clear-headed and you can base your decisions on facts, not emotions. You can gather information and be objective about the facts at hand.
What are the Facts at Hand?
Though each person’s situation is different and must be evaluated on its own merit, we do have facts available to us that can help us make good decisions. Good decisions for today and good decisions for our future. Consider real estate. What do we know? We know that we need shelter. We know that housing provides security, comfort, and more often than not, financial gain. What else to we know? For starters, we know that interest rates are at an all-time low and that real estate typically appreciates over time. Historically, Hawaii real estate has done well. Very well.
Is it Time For You to Buy?
Maybe. You won’t know until you gather the facts and get clarity. Seek professional advice. Become knowledgeable. What do your numbers say? Numbers tell a story. Get clear on where you stand. Talk to a good loan officer, CPA, and Realtor. Gather information about the market. Education is key to good decision-making. Become informed and then decide what is best for you. It may be time to buy or it may be time to wait. The point is that you will have clarity to make the right decision once you’ve done your homework.
Look at Your Situation
Perhaps you need to consider selling? Scaling back? Look at your situation. Ask yourself the hard questions. Be brutally honest. Realistic. Being proactive is incredibly important. Now, more than ever. Is your business struggling?Are you facing unemployment? A pay cut? Is your overhead just too much? Look, if you are in a hard spot, determine if waiting is actually going to improve your situation. Often, waiting just makes a bad situation worse. Again, gather the facts, seek advice, and gain clarity so that you can make the best decision given your current circumstances. Don’t procrastinate. Be clear on what you need to do and then do it.
Yes, there is uncertainty in our world, but you can still find clarity. And when you do, you will be able to make wise decisions that are best for you and the people you love.
August 11, 2020
Wonderful article, coincidentally pertaining to many things I’ve been thinking about myself! Mahalo for sharing