Turn Off the Noise and Listen to Sound Real Estate Advice - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life
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Turn Off the Noise and Listen to Sound Real Estate Advice

Why does your doctor tell you to control your stress levels? You already know the answer. Stress and anxiety can greatly increase your probability of sickness. Stress can make a bad situation worse.

Does it Have to Be All or Nothing?

The same holds true when it comes to your real estate investment decisions. Your anxiety and stress over the real estate market can actually increase your likelihood of making a poor decision or perhaps no decision at all. The reality is that you tend to make poor decisions when you are stressed because your brain is reactionary under stress. This can mean that in tough situations, you reflexively narrow and simplify your options. We revert to all-or-nothing extremes and end up making bad decisions and missing out on opportunities when we are overly stressed.

Is What You’re Hearing Adding Value?

So, if today’s news about inflation, bank failures, and rising interest rates are causing you stress, perhaps it is time you turn down the noise? Be informed, but don’t obsess over today’s latest headliner and don’t allow media to get to you. Granted, not all media is bad, but ask yourself if what you are watching or hearing is adding value. How does it make you feel? What are you getting out of it? If you start feeling yourself getting anxious and stressed out, turn it off, or at the very least, dial it down. Way down.

Seek Trusted Advice

We know that stress can impact your decision-making and prevent you from reaching your real estate goals. If information overload and media sensationalism is keeping your from realizing your dreams, it’s time you tune out  the outside interference, and instead, seek professional advice from your trusted real estate advisor — someone who is committed to your long-term plan and who has a track record of success.

The sheer volume of communication thrown at you today is greater than any time in history. And, around-the-clock news is enough to make your head spin. How can you possibly keep up? And, how do you sort it all out? It’s nearly impossible, but there are things you can do to gain clarity and perspective.

How to Gain Clarity and Make Sound Real Estate Decisions

  1. Don’t let fear and stress dictate your decisions.
  2. Listen to your trusted advisor, not the news.
  3. Look at real-time data and historical trends.
  4. Keep the big picture and end goal in mind.
  5. Recognize that there is opportunity in every market.

Achieving your real estate goals requires discipline. And interestingly, a core ingredient of staying disciplined is for you to recognize unnecessary noise — noise that is superfluous, noise that hinders instead of helps, noise that immobilizes you and causes you stress. Noise that results in lost opportunities.

Limit Distractions

We live in an age of distractions – advertising, social media, cell phones, the Internet — distracters that sap our attention. Distractors that are noisy and that can cause confusion and stress. Distractors that can take us off course and prevent us from achieving our goals.

If you need clarity and want to make sound real estate decisions, avoid distractions and pay attention to what you are listening to. When you start feeling stressed and confused, change the channel. Or better yet, turn it off. And instead, listen to your local, trusted team of professionals. When you listen to sound advice, you’ll make sound decisions. Decisions that will produce the best results for you and for those you love.

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