Touring Limahuli Gardens on Kauai's North Shore (Ha'ena) - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

Touring Limahuli Gardens on Kauai’s North Shore (Ha’ena)

I was so fortunate to have both of my parents with me here on the North Shore of Kauai this past week. My mother lives here, my father is from Florida, and having the 3 of us together is a once a year occurrence. (This is a big deal because I have a very small family, just the 3 of us).

I wanted to share “Old Kauai” with my folks, so I took them to my version of Heaven on Earth, Limahuli Gardens in Ha’ena; the end of the road in paradise. (On Saturdays, kama`aina (long time locals) receive free admission to the gardens, which was a lovely bonus).

About Limahuli Gardens

Upon entering this ancient land, sacred to the Kanaka Ma’oli (native Hawaiian people), I felt as though I had just entered the Garden of Eden. The 1,000 acre valley houses countless biological and cultural treasures. Some of the flora, fauna, and bird species are only found in this sacred valley.

The entire area is called an ahupua`a, an indigenous system of resource management that was able to feed, clothe, and shelter the people living within it. The system was based on the water source flowing from the mountains to the ocean, and the various types of flora and fauna flourish in abundance.

There are 250 types of native and edible plants there including:

  • The Kalo (Hawaiian Taro)
  • Native Papala (Amaranth family – endemic to Kauai)
  • `Uala (Sweet Potato)
  • `Ulu (Breadfruit)
  • The Clusia rosea (the autograph tree where people actually carve messages on the trees thick leaves)

This amazing mountain in the background is called Mount Makana, a very sacred ancient peak in Hawaii. The native Hawaiians would light fiery logs as a tribute to love ones aloft this great peak and the winds carrying the glowing embers would sail above the nearby sea.

Sometimes up to a mile offshore these ancient fireworks delighted the hearts of those who saw them. This amazing mountain was made immortal through the silver screen, known as the mythical land of Bali Hai in the movie South Pacific.

I believe it is important to share the culture and nature of beautiful Kauai with those you love and it was so wonderful to share my love of Kauai with my parents.

This is just one of the everyday adventures that Kauai has to share with you and your family. And once you become kama`aina (long time local), the love of Kauai only grows fonder each day.

I highly recommend visiting Limahuli Gardens, whether you are visiting, or you have lived here for years. I invite you to contact me regarding Kauai living, homes on the North Shore, and quality adventures for you and your family.

Mahana Dunn, REALTOR (S)
(808) 280-3327

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Carol Andrews, RB,ABR,SFR

April 20, 2012

Mahana- Thank you so much for sharing your tale. It seems it always takes a visitor to get us to go out and enjoy the beauty we are surrounded by daily. Great memory to have with your parents. Even better- a great adventure in our own backyard!

Carol Andrews, RB,ABR,SFR

April 20, 2012

Mahana- Thank you so much for sharing your tale. It seems it always takes a visitor to get us to go out and enjoy the beauty we are surrounded by daily. Great memory to have with your parents. Even better- a great adventure in our own backyard!

Jessica L Mugrage, REALTOR (S)

April 22, 2012

Aloha Mahana, I am so inspired to visit Limahuli. It has been on my to-do-list for years. Your photos are beautiful.

Jessica L Mugrage, REALTOR (S)

April 22, 2012

Aloha Mahana, I am so inspired to visit Limahuli. It has been on my to-do-list for years. Your photos are beautiful.

Mahana Dunn, RA

April 23, 2012

Mahalo, Carol and Jessica, for your kind posts. Kauai is so full of wonderful everyday adventures. We are so blessed to live here.

Mahana Dunn, RA

April 23, 2012

Mahalo, Carol and Jessica, for your kind posts. Kauai is so full of wonderful everyday adventures. We are so blessed to live here.

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