Selling Your Home or Online Dating? Top Ten Tips - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

Selling Your Home or Online Dating? Top Ten Tips

If you Google “Tips for successful online dating,” here are the top ten:

  1. Be Yourself
  2. Answer The Questions
  3. Brand Yourself
  4. Don’t Be Negative
  5. Use The Correct Grammar
  6. Take It Slow
  7. Ask Good Questions
  8. Be Open Minded
  9. Know When To Pull The Trigger
  10. Try, Try Again

Now, as a real estate agent, if I were to read this list without the title, I would be certain that this pertained to listing your home.

1. Be Yourself

I cannot stress this enough – if you are selling a cabin in the woods, portray it as a cabin in the woods. Not every home on Maui has to be a tropical beachfront property – there are different tastes and different needs. Be true to what you have and you will reach the right buyer.


Oceanfront estate (MLS# 365640) listed by The Stice Team

2. Answer The Questions

With any listing agreement, it’s a two way street; we are working together for one common goal. Our team begins our listing process with a series of questions (timeframes, needs, expectations, etc). It is important for sellers to put it out on the table prior to listing so we do not have any surprises down the road.

3. Brand Yourself

I like to think of each home as a different product, we look at its strengths and bring them forward. Personally, our team has professional photos (plus video when appropriate) and marketing (custom websites, listing flyers, social media, etc) done for each listing. We strive to entice each buyer and make them want to be involved in your product/home.

One of our current listing videos

4. Don’t Be Negative

Not all issues are negative. We like to think of them as an opportunity. Say, for instance, your home is in a condition where it might not qualify for traditional financing. There are a slew of buyers that cannot get traditional financing, but are willing and capable to use seller financing.

5. Use The Correct Grammar

One of my favorite things to read are descriptions of homes. If you are patient, you might even catch beauties such as “painterly views.” Although that is a wonderful adjective, we like to write descriptions that accurately represent your home. In most cases, we have the sellers write in their words about their home and mix it into the remarks.

6. Take It Slow

In some instances sellers want to list their home as soon as possible without all of the bases covered. We understand that this has to happen in some cases, but gathering all the needed information is paramount. The first launch onto the market is the most important; the correct photos, marketing, and statistics are of great value from the start.

7. Ask Good Questions

As I stated above, listing your home is an equal relationship. When our team meets with sellers we expect a barrage of questions, it’s necessary to outline expectations. Just as we do not know all the aspects of your job, we understand that you may know the process front to back. The only bad questions are the ones not asked.

8. Be Open Minded

This tip was made for Maui. As a broker who previously worked out of Portland, Oregon, I thought I had seen it all. Boy, was I wrong. Maui is a melting pot of interesting and creative people with large personalities. That’s why we love it, right? If your home calls for non traditional financing or “the right buyer,” don’t always expect a traditional buyer.

9. Know When To Pull The Trigger

If it looks and feels good, chances are it is. Being stubborn and squabbling over the window coverings might cost you thousands in mortgage payments and maintenance down the road. Of course we try to get the perfect offer every time, but sometimes a little compromise is the best way to sell your home.

10. Try, Try Again

If for some reason you cannot seem to compromise, you may have to move on and try again. For some folks selling their home is an option, but where it’s not, keeping a positive outlook and striving forward is going to be what keeps you sane. Personally being transparent and optimistic with my sellers is the best way to keep things moving along pleasantly.

After all, your home might as well be a person looking for love, because most sellers are eventually buyers looking for Mr. Right.

Tim Stice, R(B)

Stice Team Signature with Photo

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October 5, 2015

you mention nothing about using your high school photos…..


October 5, 2015

you mention nothing about using your high school photos…..


October 6, 2015

Great article. LOL at Kristina’s comment.


October 6, 2015

Great article. LOL at Kristina’s comment.

Tim Stice

October 6, 2015

I love it Kristina, I should of thought put that in.

Tim Stice

October 6, 2015

I love it Kristina, I should of thought put that in.

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