The Grand Boomer - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

The Grand Boomer

Today, I’d like to address boomers, but not just any boomers — Grand Boomers! If you’ve been reading my recent blogs, you know I’ve been writing about the different types of baby boomers. As you know, one size does not fit all. At this season in life, you have choices. For some, it’s all about adventure and travel. For others, it might be a second career, a business start-up, or becoming an activist or volunteer. What is it for you? Perhaps you are a Grand Boomer.

What’s a Grand Boomer?

Grand Boomers are all about family. Have you always put your family first? Or, did a demanding career take you away from your family and now you find yourself making up for lost time? Is family a big priority in your life?  If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you might be a Grand Boomer. Boomers that fall into this category want to be physically close to their children and grandchildren. They enjoy family get-togethers and attending their grandkids’ events and activities. If you are a Grand Boomer, you probably dedicate a lot of time to your kids and their kids. Perhaps you babysit or help out shuttling kids to various activities.

Grand Boomer Homes

So, how does being a Grand Boomer translate when it comes to housing choices? Well, you might want extra bedrooms for when those grandchildren sleepover. A space for entertaining and for all those family gatherings is probably important to you. You enjoy hosting the family and you want to create space that invites frequent visits. Think barbecues. Sleepovers. Pool time. Family fun time.

For Grand Boomers, it’s plain and simple — family first. You want to be near those you love. You’re big on teaching. Sharing values. Creating memories and passing on family traditions. And, isn’t that grand?

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