Sunsets in Hawaii | A Guide From Your Friendly Realtor - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

Sunsets in Hawaii | A Guide From Your Friendly Realtor

How Important is Location in Paradise?

No doubt that the sunsets in Hawaii are incomparable. The sun sets in the West, so facing West is best, yet you can face it from a few directions. Every island has West facing areas, yet I think the best is from the South-East of all the islands due to the weather in these areas. Here’s why I’m presenting them as best, but if you want only sunsets, any West location will do. I’ve provided a list of reasons for my preferred areas on a few islands so you can consider your living options. Each island is differently shaped, and its topography is different. Set your own sequence of importance, it’s your life, enjoy it:

The West side direction of any island is sunnier and has all the benefits that offers. The predominantly ENE Tradewinds blow the majority of the year from the East side of every island, allowing off-shore, drier winds to cool you on the West.
The West side also tends to be less rainy days and have fewer mildew issues, if that is a concern of yours. The off-shore Tradewinds on the West also affects your appliances, technical electronics, as well as your home’s exterior due to the salty on-shore predominant Tradewinds on the East.
The drive time can be long, so commuting both ways with the sun at your back, not in your eyes, is a real asset.
For growing plants, it’s more controllable in drier areas as you can always add water as needed. You don’t usually need to add water in the East side as it does rain a lot more. The best plants for drier areas are mango, oranges, tangerines, and limes. Wetter areas are where avocado, lychee, and banana do best with natural weather and rain patterns.

Offshore Tradewinds leave your appliances, technical electronics, as well as your home’s exterior in better condition as they are less affected by the salty on-shore predominant Tradewinds.

For growing plants, it’s more controllable in these areas as water is necessary yet not usually a daily occurrence on the South East or North East sides. You can water as needed, and some plants like mango and oranges, tangerines, and limes need less water. Wetter areas are where avocado, lychee, and banana do best with natural rain patterns.

East Neighborhoods of Hawaii




Feel Free to Contact Me

If this all seems complicated, please feel free to contact me for my local knowledge of the island and weather patterns.

I am a is a 6th generation hapa-haole (part native Hawaiian, part Western) whose families blended on Oahu, Hawaii circa 1820. I’ve never lived anywhere but Hawaii and moved about quite a bit, learning the weather is so important to your life goals.

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