Still Learning and Moving Forward - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life
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Still Learning and Moving Forward

Featured home: 15-1405 10th Avenue, Keaau

Real Estate Wine’d Down

Our latest Wine’d Down started as usual with Ryan Kadota of Kadota Liquor, who shared the attributes of a yummy Spanish red wine called ULTRIA. I’ll admit, I never thought of Spain being a hot bed of red wine activity, but this one was really special. Stop by Kadota Liquors and check it out. Be sure to ask for the Team Nakanishi discount!

The Latest on Lending

Niki Hubbard from VIP mortgage provided insights about credit reports. Since COVID, report has provided credit information for free on a weekly basis. Mortgage lenders use a “ tri-merge report” or “blended report” when making a lending decision. VIP uses the middle score while I’m told others use an average. This makes it important to know what’s in each report. Not all creditors report to every credit bureau (Trans Union, Equifax or Experian). There is not supposed to be a score penalty for multiple reports when applying for a mortgage so shopping lenders within a short period of time. The strongest borrowers have credit scores around 740.

Pretty as a Picture

Team Nakanishi photographer extraordinaire, Shari Todd (also with Illumie Images) helped us understand the differences in amateur and professional photos. The differences go far beyond equipment, experience, and training. Results matter. Presentation matters. When Shari shoots for me, she knows exactly how I want things; ceiling fans on, toilet seats down, no dishes in the drain…you get the drift. I always say if your house doesn’t look like a magazine, the next one will. Shari knows how to create a visual story. She just completed a jaw dropping twilight shoot for an upcoming listing. Her photos showcase everything from the grain in gleaming floors to dramatic coastlines and more. We are so grateful to have her as part of our Team Nakanishi O’hana!

What’s in Your Water?

Nothing symbolizes Hawai`i more than water. Whether it’s beaches, the ocean, waterfalls or views, it’s one thing we can all agree binds us to our Hawai`i. With over 70,000 people in Hawai`i living on catchment and non-municipal systems, water treatment is a huge issue. When I first started selling real estate, the common treatment method was 2 in-line filters and perhaps a reverse osmosis at one tap. The County water spigots were our social media hotspots of the time. The advent of UV filtration raised the bar and made us all more comfortable with drinking catchment (and well) water. Uncle Tilo certainly convinced me that we can do better. UV systems may sterilize but disinfection is a cut above. His analogy is that UV systems (who knew there are different grades) give bacteria a sunburn, while a Quantum Water System disinfects. These long-lasting, affordable, and systems use no power. They eliminate yearly bulb changes required by UV. Even municipal water benefits from the system. This just scratches the surface of the important information Uncle Tilo shared. Our recap includes much more fascinating information. Be sure to attend his in-person workshop on the 1st Saturday of each month at the Pahoa shop.

Zoom With Us

Join us as we continue to learn more about life in Hawai`i Nei by joining us for our next Real Estate Wine’d down on Jun 29th at 3 p.m. Contact me or Ash for a Zoom invitation!

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