
Soundtracks – What Are You Listening To?

What do you think of when you hear the word, “soundtrack?” If you are like most people, you probably think of music. Perhaps your favorite song or playlist. Music soundtracks are powerful. They can completely transform a moment. They can conjure up fond memories. Poignant memories. Painful memories.

We all understand the power of music soundtracks, but what about the soundtracks in our minds? You know, those thoughts that keep you stuck. The ones that keep you up at night. According to author John Acuff, “If you listen to any thought long enough, it becomes part of your personal playlist.”

We all have “tracks” that play on repeat in our heads. Our own personal playlist. And, unfortunately, some of those tracks can keep us from trying something new, from making important decisions, and from taking important action steps.

When it comes to real estate, what is your soundtrack?

Do you believe the market is about to fizzle? Are you afraid you might be paying too much for a home? Do you think you’ve missed an opportunity because you sat on the fence too long? Who do you believe when it comes to real estate forecasts? What soundtracks play in your head? What and who do you listen to?

It’s extremely important to listen to the right soundtracks when it comes to your real estate decisions. There is a lot of information out there and it’s easy to get overwhelmed and confused. If you’ve had past negative experiences, those same experiences may be soundtracks that are keeping you from making a sound decision today. If you’ve rode the gravy train in real estate, perhaps your soundtrack causes you to throw caution to the wind. Whatever your history, your situation, your soundtrack, just know that everything we think, hear, and feel is not always accurate. Our thoughts (our soundtracks) are not always based in reality and they can lead us astray.

So, when it comes to major life decisions, like purchasing the most important asset in your life, be sure you aren’t allowing the wrong soundtrack to influence your decisions. You’ve probably heard it said that “all real estate is local.” Well, it’s true. If you are considering buying or selling, you need local data. Current data. And, you need someone representing you who has their boots on the ground and their finger on the pulse of the market.

What are you listening to?

Major life changes and major purchases are complex and your situation is specific, so listen to the right soundtrack when it comes to your real estate portfolio. Listen to your experienced, local, and trusted advisor. Someone who knows you, understands you and who has your best interests at heart. It’s so easy to listen to the soundtracks of our friends and neighbors, the news, and the internet. But don’t. Don’t believe everything you hear and read and don’t allow your own soundtrack to lead you astray, or to keep you stuck and from moving forward.

When it comes to your real estate portfolio, there is only one soundtrack you should listen to and that is the soundtrack that comprises an accurate assessment of your personal situation, your local market, and the current facts.

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Beth Thoma Robinson, R(B)

May 24, 2022

Well put, Cherie! I will send this to a client I met with yesterday who was asking “what do you think I should do?”

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