Showing Your Property With COVID-19 - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life
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Showing Your Property With COVID-19

Do you have your home on the market? Are you wondering if you should have an open house in light of COVID-19? Realtors are asking the same question. We want to showcase our client’s properties. Representing our clients and their properties well is our top priority. So is keeping them safe. Fortunately, there are lots of alternative ways to market property. With today’s technology, virtual tours, drone, and 3-D photography, buyers can see your property before walking through the door. Buyers can learn a lot about your home through detailed descriptions, floor plans, even drive-by’s.

Assess the Risks and Take Precautions

Of course, there is nothing like seeing a house up close and in person. So, if you decide to have your property open to the viewing public, just be careful to assess the risks in your area and your own personal health risk. Consider requiring all visitors to disinfect their hands upon entering your home. Limit the number of people in the property. Ask your Realtor to provide hand sanitizer at the entryway. After the open house or showing, be sure to clean and disinfect your home, particularly commonly touched areas like doorknobs and faucet handles.

Each situation is different. It’s up to you, the Seller, to determine your own comfort zone and risks. Have a conversation with your Realtor and do what is in your best interest. With good, alternative marketing, it’s quite possible to limit showings and only show your home to a very few select buyers. You have every right to set expectations of those buyers. To ask questions. Set boundaries.

Creative Marketing and Selling

Despite COVID-19, it is possible to sell your home. There are buyers who are out looking and who are incentivized by today’s historically low rates. With a little creativity and flexibility, there are still great ways to market your property and to protect you and your family.

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Frances Sutherland

April 30, 2020

Aloha. I rent an apartment in Kahala and the owner wants to sell. The realtor asked if they could bring people interested on Saturday. ( I don’t know how many) I am 69 years old and really reluctant to open my doors to people I dont know,due to Covid-19. What are the new restrictions and can I just say “no”? I would be so appreciative if you could help me with this situation, Mahalo, Frances Sutherland

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