Rubber Bands and Real Estate - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

Rubber Bands and Real Estate

What do rubber bands have to do with real estate? Nothing really. But, when you think of rubber bands, don’t you think of stretching? If you are interested in buying or selling real estate, you’ll probably need to stretch. You’ll need to be flexible, too.

Any big life change — buying, selling, moving, etc. — requires a flexible mindset and approach.

Rubber bands are useful for many things, but they are truly only useful when you stretch them. The same can be said of us. Growth stops when we lose the tension between where we are and where we want to go. There will be tension when you engage in the real estate market; that’s normal and it’s okay. Real estate transactions are not simple. The market is dynamic and the processes are complex. Large financial decisions, major moves, and big life changes always involve some tension. So, when you start to feel the strain, take out a rubber band to remind yourself that the tension just means you are moving from where you currently are to where you want to be. And, that is a good thing.

When it comes to situations in life, it’s also wise to remember that the choices you make and the daily actions you  take set the path to your success. Or failure. Wishing for something and wanting something won’t get you the desired outcome. Your real estate decisions require a lot of thought, research, wise counsel, and most importantly, action steps. Make a thoughtful decision about buying, selling, downsizing, trading up, or investing and then get ready to take lots of action. And, be sure you keep your rubber band handy. It will remind you to stretch, to stay flexible and to be resilient throughout the process.

One thing about rubber bands — they can break if you stretch them too far. Your willingness to remain flexible and  to stretch yourself is a good thing. Burnout and breakage are not, so you’ll want to manage the tension well.  How do you do that? By working with a seasoned professional who will represent your interests and  who knows how to navigate the process well — a seasoned professional who likely has a rubber band in his or her own pocket. After all, those of us who have been in the business a long time have learned to stretch, to be flexible and resilient. We’ve also learned to bounce back. A lot.

You may have never considered a correlation between rubber bands and real estate, or rubber bands and life, for that matter. Totally understandable. But, if you pause long enough to think about it, you can learn a lot from a rubber band. Take a rubber band and stretch it. Then release the band. Its ability to extend and then return to its original shape demonstrates the elasticity of rubber. The rubber band can get stretched and it can be put under pressure, but it eventually bounces back. And, so will you! So stretch, accept the tension, recognize that the discomfort of stretching and growth are part of the process, and then trust that all that stretching and tension will lead you to your desired outcome. And growth.

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Beth Thoma Robinson, R(B)

July 11, 2022

Such wisdom, Cherie! We all need to be reminded from time to time that big moves require some level of discomfort. So much of what a good agent does is help our client manage that tension, and of course we need to do that for ourselves as well!

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