5 Reasons Why I Love Living in Hawaii - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

5 Reasons Why I Love Living in Hawaii

I was going to write a blog about a great energy efficient home that caught my interest…until the listing was canceled. Instead, I can write about the next best thing – waking up in the most heavenly spot on Earth…Hawaii!


I love waking up in Hawaii!

I lived in Los Angeles for 25 years and I’d always get my feathers ruffled when I’d hear weather reporters say that Southern California has the best weather in the nation. NOT! We have the best weather here in Hawaii, all day, every day.

Done venting. Now, here are a few very simple reasons why I had to move back home:

5. I Can Hang My Clothes Up to Dry on a Clothesline

I always hated to dry my clothes in a dryer. They always shrunk, faded, and wore-out quickly. My clothes smell so nice and fresh, and I use the few minutes that it takes me to hang them up as meditation time. I’m still anal about organizing them, though!

Drying my clothes in the warm Hawaii sunshine is a plus!

4. I Can Always See & Smell Flowers Wherever I Go, All Year Round

I have never lived where leaves drop and it snows, so when I see scenes like that, it’s cool looking for a while, but living like that for 4 or 5 months must be hard. I don’t remember a day that I didn’t see a flower. How can you not be in a good mood with all the flowers around us?!


How can you not be in a good mood with all the flowers around us?!

3. I Can Go to the Beach Any Day of the Year & Not Have to Take a Jacket

Call me a snob, but a beach is not a beach if you have to wear a jacket and long pants. I remember the first time I went to the beach in Santa Monica; it was very warm where I lived (Wilshire and LaBrea), so I thought it would be warmer at the beach. As the bus let me off at Ocean Ave., the fog was so thick that by the time I got to the beach, the fog got my shirt wet…and there were people in speedos and bikinis laying out.


A beach is not a beach if you have to wear a jacket and long pants

2. The Sun Helps Me Reduce My Electricity Bill

Having a solar water heating unit is wonderful. I can go 3 cloudy days and still have hot water. I’m looking forward to installing a full photovoltaic system that will allow me to charge the electric car that I plan on purchasing sometime soon. I refuse to be a slave to oil.


Free sunshine, anyone?!

1. I Will Never Again Have That Sinking, Depressing Feeling of Heading to the Airport For My Flight Back to LA

My vacations would go by so fast and I would feel so sad on the drive back to the airport. I sometimes see tourists loading up their cars in the KMart parking lot. I feel sad for them, but I mostly giggle and think, “Better you than me.” Let’s not forget the week of depression after the vacation. I don’t ever want to go there.


The best part? I don’t have to go home…I am home!

I love this quote from a friend who has been living here for a while. He sometimes thinks to himself, “My life is better than your vacation.” For me, it is…because I don’t have to go home…I am home!

Want to Know More?

Share with me some of your simple reasons why you love living in Hawaii, or why you can’t wait to live in Hawaii. If you would like to know more about living the Hawaii Life, feel free to contact me.

Ken Molina, R(S)

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Annie Mendoza, (RS)

July 20, 2011

I love this post, the pictures and the good feelings it brings up! Mahalo! I always hang my clothes, too! and my electricity bill, (for average of 4 people) went from $350-$375 per month to $125-150 after instaling solar hot water!!!!! Sun powers us in many ways!


June 8, 2012

its amazing how much money you can save from anything in hawaii

Ken Molina, RS

June 8, 2012

Living in Hawaii isn’t any more expensive than living in Los Angeles, San Francisco or New York City….and the weather is better!

Annie Mendoza, (RS)

July 20, 2011

I love this post, the pictures and the good feelings it brings up! Mahalo! I always hang my clothes, too! and my electricity bill, (for average of 4 people) went from $350-$375 per month to $125-150 after instaling solar hot water!!!!! Sun powers us in many ways!


June 8, 2012

its amazing how much money you can save from anything in hawaii

Ken Molina, RS

June 8, 2012

Living in Hawaii isn’t any more expensive than living in Los Angeles, San Francisco or New York City….and the weather is better!

Kathy Awai, R(S); ABR

July 20, 2011

Ken, you belong here! I love it here too; 30 years of beautiful experiences and living the Hawaii Life. There is so much beauty here, it surrounds us every day and it’s vital to pay attention and enjoy it. Yes, solar is the way to go too. We too are considering photo voltaic although just a solar water helps a lot.

Kathy Awai, R(S); ABR

July 20, 2011

Ken, you belong here! I love it here too; 30 years of beautiful experiences and living the Hawaii Life. There is so much beauty here, it surrounds us every day and it’s vital to pay attention and enjoy it. Yes, solar is the way to go too. We too are considering photo voltaic although just a solar water helps a lot.

Pam Deery R(B) Big Island

July 20, 2011

Ken; you put the feelings we all share about living in paradise into words nicely! You give back to the aina just with the little things you are already doing…so yes, you do belong here!

Pam Deery R(B) Big Island

July 20, 2011

Ken; you put the feelings we all share about living in paradise into words nicely! You give back to the aina just with the little things you are already doing…so yes, you do belong here!

Darian C. Ponce

July 20, 2011

LOVE this!

Darian C. Ponce

July 20, 2011

LOVE this!

Ken Molina R(S)

July 20, 2011

Thanks for all the great responses. I love living here and I love working with other wonderful locals and the amazing company that we are all with.

Ken Molina R(S)

July 20, 2011

Thanks for all the great responses. I love living here and I love working with other wonderful locals and the amazing company that we are all with.

Katie Minkus, R(BIC)

July 20, 2011

Aloha Ken. #1 is my favorite! Before we moved to Hawaii, I used to get on the plane heading “home” to CA, and literally bawl my eyes out to be leaving. Now, when I’m done with vacation and going “home” to HI, I giggle and laugh all the way… know why? Not just because I live in Hawaii, but because a plane full of happy, laughing, excited tourists heading for Hawaii might just be the very best way to spend every last vacation day for the rest of my life. It’s hard to be depressed when everyone around you is thrilled to be going to paradise… and then I giggle because I’m going home. To live. I love my Hawaii Life!!!

Katie Minkus, R(BIC)

July 20, 2011

Aloha Ken. #1 is my favorite! Before we moved to Hawaii, I used to get on the plane heading “home” to CA, and literally bawl my eyes out to be leaving. Now, when I’m done with vacation and going “home” to HI, I giggle and laugh all the way… know why? Not just because I live in Hawaii, but because a plane full of happy, laughing, excited tourists heading for Hawaii might just be the very best way to spend every last vacation day for the rest of my life. It’s hard to be depressed when everyone around you is thrilled to be going to paradise… and then I giggle because I’m going home. To live. I love my Hawaii Life!!!

Rob Smith, CSP, CFEI, CFII

July 21, 2011

Aloha Ken, my wife and I have been spending our vacations in the Islands for the past 15 years. We were married on Kauai and have always dreamed of Hawaii being our home. Last summer our dream became a reality with the excellent team effort by Annie Mendoza, Jan Nores and Katie Minkus. Since my employment is overseas, I have a very long commute to/from work, but there is no better feeling than to come home (like Katie mentioned) and live our Hawaii life! We also installed a solar water heater and have realized a significant reduction (saving 45-50%) on our electric bill.

Rob Smith, CSP, CFEI, CFII

July 21, 2011

Aloha Ken, my wife and I have been spending our vacations in the Islands for the past 15 years. We were married on Kauai and have always dreamed of Hawaii being our home. Last summer our dream became a reality with the excellent team effort by Annie Mendoza, Jan Nores and Katie Minkus. Since my employment is overseas, I have a very long commute to/from work, but there is no better feeling than to come home (like Katie mentioned) and live our Hawaii life! We also installed a solar water heater and have realized a significant reduction (saving 45-50%) on our electric bill.

Ken Molina R(S)

July 21, 2011

@Katie & Rob – Hawaii is such a special place and it’s great that others get to experience it and eventually make that special place home. It took me leaving it to make me appreciate it even more!

Ken Molina R(S)

July 21, 2011

@Katie & Rob – Hawaii is such a special place and it’s great that others get to experience it and eventually make that special place home. It took me leaving it to make me appreciate it even more!

Lucy Adams, RS

July 30, 2011

What a great article…makes me think how truly lucky we are that we can call Hawaii home. Many people spend an entire lifetime planning their 2 week vacation to Hawaii. Blessed we are. Lucy

Lucy Adams, RS

July 30, 2011

What a great article…makes me think how truly lucky we are that we can call Hawaii home. Many people spend an entire lifetime planning their 2 week vacation to Hawaii. Blessed we are. Lucy


December 21, 2011

I do miss Hawai’i, I was lucky to spend a semester there and it was the best time of my life. Something about Hawai’i just makes it home and lifts my spirit.


December 21, 2011

I do miss Hawai’i, I was lucky to spend a semester there and it was the best time of my life. Something about Hawai’i just makes it home and lifts my spirit.

Ken Molina R(S)

December 21, 2011

@maja – I was gone for 25 years and have been back for 2. I don’t think I’ll move anywhere else. I love it here so much. It sounds corny but true. Hope you can come back some time. Aloha! Mele Kalikimaka

Ken Molina R(S)

December 21, 2011

@maja – I was gone for 25 years and have been back for 2. I don’t think I’ll move anywhere else. I love it here so much. It sounds corny but true. Hope you can come back some time. Aloha! Mele Kalikimaka


January 26, 2013

Hello Ken, My daughters and I were there on vacation for 7 days in 2010, which was not long enough, and we fell in love with Hawaii. We were on Maui and immediately felt happiness, a calm feeling and relaxation. The beauty that Hawaii has to offer is breath taking. My oldest daughter immediately fell in love and wants to move there. I would love to live there but worry about work and living expenses. I hear mixed things about living on Hawaii and some from people that are from Hawaii. We live in Seattle, Washington and I was born and raised here but I have to tell you the rain and grey skies are really starting to effect me and my daughters. They suffer from SAD. There are many things that I think about and have to consider. My youngest daughter has fears of natural disasters and making friends, my oldest daughter needs the sun and relaxation and she also has a fear of spiders and other insects and I need to find happiness and contentment. Is there anything you can share to help us figure out how to get all of that and live comfortably. There was something a lady who worked in the office of the condo we stayed said to me that stuck, she also moved from LA after visiting on vacation, went back home, gave her 2 weeks notice and has been there ever since. She said “why should I wait to retire to enjoy paradise when I can live retirement every day”. What could I say but Wow!

Ken Molina R(S)

January 31, 2013

@Pam – Thanks for reading my blog. There is a lot to consider when moving anywhere. There is definitely a price to pay for living in paradise, however, to me the price is worth it. Things may be a bit more expensive here, we may have some scary bugs, people may come down with “island fever” and crime isn’t bad here (unless you live on Oahu than it’s like any other big city). The lifestlye is much more relaxed and there are lots of things to keep you busy. I hope this helps a bit. Aloha, Ken


January 26, 2013

Hello Ken, My daughters and I were there on vacation for 7 days in 2010, which was not long enough, and we fell in love with Hawaii. We were on Maui and immediately felt happiness, a calm feeling and relaxation. The beauty that Hawaii has to offer is breath taking. My oldest daughter immediately fell in love and wants to move there. I would love to live there but worry about work and living expenses. I hear mixed things about living on Hawaii and some from people that are from Hawaii. We live in Seattle, Washington and I was born and raised here but I have to tell you the rain and grey skies are really starting to effect me and my daughters. They suffer from SAD. There are many things that I think about and have to consider. My youngest daughter has fears of natural disasters and making friends, my oldest daughter needs the sun and relaxation and she also has a fear of spiders and other insects and I need to find happiness and contentment. Is there anything you can share to help us figure out how to get all of that and live comfortably. There was something a lady who worked in the office of the condo we stayed said to me that stuck, she also moved from LA after visiting on vacation, went back home, gave her 2 weeks notice and has been there ever since. She said “why should I wait to retire to enjoy paradise when I can live retirement every day”. What could I say but Wow!

Ken Molina R(S)

January 31, 2013

@Pam – Thanks for reading my blog. There is a lot to consider when moving anywhere. There is definitely a price to pay for living in paradise, however, to me the price is worth it. Things may be a bit more expensive here, we may have some scary bugs, people may come down with “island fever” and crime isn’t bad here (unless you live on Oahu than it’s like any other big city). The lifestlye is much more relaxed and there are lots of things to keep you busy. I hope this helps a bit. Aloha, Ken

Maritza Vasquez

January 29, 2013

I would like to move to Hawaii but many questions come to my mind, schools, jobs, towns, close or far from the beach, for somebody that went on vacation for a week and stood at only 1 place (Honolulu) it’s hard to choose and have the right answers to all the questions.

Ken Molina R(S)

January 31, 2013

@marita – Thanks for reading my blog. The best was to decide where you want to live is to spend some time on all islands before you make your decision. Once, you’ve decided which island, rent for a few months to figure out which areas you like (beach, inland, upcountry, isolated). By renting first, you don’t spend your money investing in a location that you don’t like. Have a great day!

Maritza Vasquez

January 29, 2013

I would like to move to Hawaii but many questions come to my mind, schools, jobs, towns, close or far from the beach, for somebody that went on vacation for a week and stood at only 1 place (Honolulu) it’s hard to choose and have the right answers to all the questions.

Ken Molina R(S)

January 31, 2013

@marita – Thanks for reading my blog. The best was to decide where you want to live is to spend some time on all islands before you make your decision. Once, you’ve decided which island, rent for a few months to figure out which areas you like (beach, inland, upcountry, isolated). By renting first, you don’t spend your money investing in a location that you don’t like. Have a great day!


January 29, 2014

what a great article!! I can’t wait to move there as soon as I finish my nursing im gonna apply as a travel nurse work, and live in Hawaii. I was there 2 yrs ago and I feel in love with Hawaii I told my husband I am staying here.. hehe

Ken Molina

January 29, 2014

@camela – good for you to make your dream come true. I just sold a condo the a nurse and her husband who got a job at the hospital here before she even moved. You’ll do good here. Keep in touch. Aloha, Ken


January 29, 2014

what a great article!! I can’t wait to move there as soon as I finish my nursing im gonna apply as a travel nurse work, and live in Hawaii. I was there 2 yrs ago and I feel in love with Hawaii I told my husband I am staying here.. hehe

Ken Molina

January 29, 2014

@camela – good for you to make your dream come true. I just sold a condo the a nurse and her husband who got a job at the hospital here before she even moved. You’ll do good here. Keep in touch. Aloha, Ken


August 7, 2014

I have been to Maui many times. When I am home in Pennsylvania all I do is think about being in Maui. When in Maui I worry about being sad coming back home! I am impatiently biding my time until my 14 and 12 year old girls go off to college. There is a 100% chance I will be snapping up a little bungalow or cottage in Maui with a fantastic view of everything. But then again, there aren’t many places in Maui without a fantastic view of everything! Aloha Hawai’i, I miss you!

Ken Molina

August 7, 2014

Ha! Maui will do it to you every time. When I was still living in LA and would come to visit my family, I’d go through serious bouts of depression upon my return to LA. I remember the last visit and painful return. It was the last straw. I then committed to be back home within a year. I pretty much stuck to my goal. You’ll love it here. Let me know when you are on island next 🙂


August 7, 2014

I have been to Maui many times. When I am home in Pennsylvania all I do is think about being in Maui. When in Maui I worry about being sad coming back home! I am impatiently biding my time until my 14 and 12 year old girls go off to college. There is a 100% chance I will be snapping up a little bungalow or cottage in Maui with a fantastic view of everything. But then again, there aren’t many places in Maui without a fantastic view of everything! Aloha Hawai’i, I miss you!

Ken Molina

August 7, 2014

Ha! Maui will do it to you every time. When I was still living in LA and would come to visit my family, I’d go through serious bouts of depression upon my return to LA. I remember the last visit and painful return. It was the last straw. I then committed to be back home within a year. I pretty much stuck to my goal. You’ll love it here. Let me know when you are on island next 🙂


March 11, 2015

any snakes in hawaii

Ken Molina

March 12, 2015

No snakes at all 🙂
Thanks for reading!


March 11, 2015

any snakes in hawaii

Ken Molina

March 12, 2015

No snakes at all 🙂
Thanks for reading!


June 4, 2015

I am an educator and I would like to move to Maui to teach. However, I need a place to live. I would like a studio apartment. How do I do this?????



June 4, 2015

I am an educator and I would like to move to Maui to teach. However, I need a place to live. I would like a studio apartment. How do I do this?????


♥ Blogs

August 11, 2018

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This is the first time I read something from your blog and I’m impressed, because it’s like you are reading my thoughts.
To be a blogger is just one of the best things in my life and I love it! Thank you for the encouraging thoughts!
If you allow me one question: Which free blogging platform you consider better for a newbie blogger with zero experience after WordPress – Tumblr or Blogr?

xxx :Sam


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