Random Acts of Kindness - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

Random Acts of Kindness

Is it true that those who live in Hawaii are just nicer?

It’s been too many months since our world has paused, and everything has changed. We are all adjusting to this new normal. Stress and fear are at an all-time high. Yet, there are ways to overcome.

Simple gestures of kindness can impact not only your day but others as well. During these times, it’s even more critical to acknowledge life is stressful and realized one simple gesture could make a person smile and turn their day into a positive one.

Supporting Others

A few years ago, I traveled to California. While I waited in a bank line, I noticed an older man (a Kupuna) drop all his banking paperwork. I looked around and realized no one was going to help him. I quickly got out of line and helped him. At that moment, I realized, if I were in Hawaii, there would be a flurry of people jumping to help the Kupuna. Something so simple yet so essential.

Christmas Tree Randomness

Typically, words and connections have a way of being long-lasting. Yet even a simple Christmas tree decorated on the side of the road can make a person pause, take a deep breath, and realized how beautiful that moment is. I found this to be true when a neighbor decorated a random tree on the side of the highway.

A Mile in Their Shoes

Sometimes, it’s hard to hear “walk a mile in someone else shoes.”  My husband uttered this after a stressful moment in the department store. For some reason, the checker was very angry and kept yelling at me. My husband allowed me to think and feel what that checker may be feeling. I needed to walk in his shoes. I realized at that moment that I don’t know what his journey has been like. Remembering that no one walks the same path even while the world is in a pandemic. I’m trying to have a different outlook and give compassion to others in their dark moments.

Ideas for Random Acts of Kindness:

  • Make someone laugh
  • Hold open a door
  • Donate clothes to those in need
  • Write a thank-you note for a service provider
  • Volunteer for a local food drive
  • Pick up some litter
  • Let someone go in front of you in line

These lessons have shaped my outlook on the world. I can thank living on the Big Island, which has shaped my perspective on others and my inner journey toward others. I have become a changed person, a better person by living in Hawaii, and sharing aloha with others. It now feels like my responsibility to randomly help others with simple gestures. I encourage you to put compassion in action today and do one random act for another.

With warmest aloha,


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December 17, 2020

I think that you have rose-colored glasses. I was walking in crosswalk in Kapa’a and a driver laid on his horn at me. Hawaii citizens are not “just nicer”. In Foodland, a lady dropped a bag of apples and other shoppers just went around her while she picked them up.

Leeana Runningbear

December 21, 2020

> Aloha David,
Many thanks for your response. I think your right. I do look at the world with rose-colored glasses and look at the positive things in life. I’m sorry to hear the Aloha Spirit has not been present in your life. Maybe leading by example will bring it your way?


December 17, 2020

Thank you for sharing this! While it’s true we may not encounter the Aloha Spirit everyday, I think it’s important to lead by example. If you find yourself somewhere, unsure of the presence of a kind/helpful person-then be that person. You never know how significant a small act of kindness can mean to someone.

Leeana Runningbear

December 21, 2020

> Aloha Linda,
Thank you so much for responding and enjoying my post. I love your positive words by leading by example! I, too, believe even the smallest acts of kindness help not only yourself but others as well. Stay positive and keep that kindness going. Many thanks! Leeana

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