Quick and Easy Meditation Guide | 12 Steps to Reduce Stress - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

Quick and Easy Meditation Guide | 12 Steps to Reduce Stress

Meditation has many immediate benefits for those wishing to decrease high blood pressure, irritability, moodiness, and anxiety associated with stress. A relaxed body, in combination with proper breathing, can allow you to experience lower stress with improved oxygen levels and circulation. You can immediately increase your emotional stability and feelings of happiness by following this simple technique.

I must mention, for you to truly experience the benefits of meditation, you must learn to master silence. Most people have a tough time remaining still. Even if they can enjoy stillness, they cannot shut off their mind from their own raging thoughts. There are several techniques to prepare you properly for meditation. I encourage you to explore disciplines such as yoga for a more complete, lasting meditation experience. The main focus of yoga is a meditation preparation of the body and mind.

The whole point of using meditation for stress relief is to take your mind away from your worries completely.

Preparing for Meditation

Here are a few things to do in preparation of getting the most out of meditating

  • Have an empty stomach
  • Make sure you are in a quiet place where there are no distractions
  • Make sure you are sitting in a comfortable position
  • I would recommend meditating first thing in the morning, so you are relaxed for the rest of your day
  • Practice every day for at least 15 minutes
  • Light a scented candle, incense, or use an aromatherapy oil

Quick & Easy Meditation Technique – 12 Steps to Reduce Stress

  1. Start by sitting comfortably and making sure your spine is straight. Look downward and do not focus on anything.
  2. Allow your eyelids to drop to a level that feels comfortable. Do not close your eyes.
  3. Keep looking downward. Your breathing should become slower, deeper, and more relaxed.
  4. Take a deep breath, breathing in from the stomach and not the chest; fill your lungs to capacity.
  5. Exhale completely, compressing your stomach to expel all air from your lungs.
  6. Now take four short breathes in rapid succession, again pulling air by breathing from your stomach.
  7. Take another deep breath filling your lungs completely and hold it for a count of five seconds.
  8. Repeat this sequence of one long and four short breaths five times.
  9. With every exhale, be mindful of releasing all negative thoughts and feelings.
  10. After the breathing exercise, I want you to address every thought or emotion that pops into your mind. Acknowledge the thoughts and allow your mind to let any feelings flow through you.
  11. Now quiet your mind, focus on the stillness, the silence, and stay only in this present moment.
  12. After several minutes, return your eyes to their normal focus. You should be feeling more relaxed.

Meditation is not an easy thing to learn. You have to be dedicated and religiously practice it in order for it to fully benefit you. Do not be discouraged for it may take a few sessions for you to retrain your mind and body to truly relax in stillness.

If you want to learn to meditate, I recommend starting with the quick and easy sample I have just given you. When you can successfully perform that exercise, then I would recommend you look deeper into meditation and more advanced breathing techniques. I also encourage you to investigate using simple yoga stretches to more fully prepare your body and mind before meditation.

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