New Puako Beach Mauka Listing at a Great Price! - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life
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New Puako Beach Mauka Listing at a Great Price!

Another new mauka Puako listing just hit the market – at a great price!

You don’t need to live oceanfront in Puako to enjoy sunsets, like this one last night…

Those of you who follow my blog know that I am preparing to put my mauka Puako Beach property on the market, and wow, am I ever experiencing a lot of empathy for my sellers right now! It is not easy to prepare a home for sale – especially when you’re emotionally attached — as we are — to something we’ve created. I’ve spent the past few weeks “depersonalizing” our living space, which essentially means packing up every single little last detail of my life into plastic tubs and storage, so that prospective buyers have the opportunity to “see themselves” in the space, instead of seeing reminders of “us” everywhere they look in the house.

It can be a painful process — and I’m reminded of the most wonderful sellers we represented in Kohala Ranch this past year, and how long and hard they worked, literally for months, to depersonalize their space. They did it because we, as the experts, told them it would be one of the best ways to sell their house for more money, in the least amount of time, and you know what? It worked, they sold and happily moved on to the next phase of their lives. So Dave and I continue to surrender to the process and accept that we’re simply going to follow the advice of our real estate professional.

Puako Beach Cottage (MLS #239363) asking $925,000

Focused on my own personal real estate process, I nearly overlooked a new mauka Puako listing that popped up 2 days ago on the MLS…and at a great price! It’s located directly across the street from a narrow beach access that doesn’t attract a lot of day trippers, and offers some of the best snorkeling in the world. In fact, at one point in time, I planned to sell my mauka bare lot to buy this already-built property, owned by a neighbor. While, most certainly, the future of this cottage is a tear-down to rebuild as has happened to most of the older cottages up and down Puako Beach Drive. Listed at $925K, this is a charming, live-able beach cottage, built in 1949, and exemplifies Puako life. Every property in Puako is special, this one is no exception.

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Catherine Klug

October 17, 2010

The translation of Puako is litteraly “sugar cane blossom”
Pua(blossom) and Ko (sugar cane)… it is definitely a special place and what a great time to buy! Thanks for your Puako update, Katie.

Catherine Klug

October 17, 2010

The translation of Puako is litteraly “sugar cane blossom”
Pua(blossom) and Ko (sugar cane)… it is definitely a special place and what a great time to buy! Thanks for your Puako update, Katie.

David Buck

October 17, 2010

What a great location Katie and a great price! I love that place 🙂

David Buck

October 17, 2010

What a great location Katie and a great price! I love that place 🙂

Rebecca Williamson

October 18, 2010

Katie, it’s definitely eye opening to experience buying or selling through the clients eyes. I recently relocated and I found it gave me a lot of ideas for what I want to do differently in my business or how I can improve it. Best of luck with the sale of your house. The sunset is just beautiful!

Rebecca Williamson

October 18, 2010

Katie, it’s definitely eye opening to experience buying or selling through the clients eyes. I recently relocated and I found it gave me a lot of ideas for what I want to do differently in my business or how I can improve it. Best of luck with the sale of your house. The sunset is just beautiful!

Katie Minkus, R(BIC)

October 18, 2010

@Rebecca… I know, can you believe it? My husband Dave took that photo Saturday night with his droid across the street from our house – it was a gorgeous sunset!!

You know, our PB, Matt Beall, told me last week he thinks all Realtors should be required to buy and sell personal property at least once every 3 years as a way for us to be reminded of the process on a personal level – and have empathy for our clients. It has certainly been true for me, and you’re right, I’ll be taking a lot of ideas into my next listing presentation and into my practice. Thanks for your support!

Katie Minkus, R(BIC)

October 18, 2010

@Rebecca… I know, can you believe it? My husband Dave took that photo Saturday night with his droid across the street from our house – it was a gorgeous sunset!!

You know, our PB, Matt Beall, told me last week he thinks all Realtors should be required to buy and sell personal property at least once every 3 years as a way for us to be reminded of the process on a personal level – and have empathy for our clients. It has certainly been true for me, and you’re right, I’ll be taking a lot of ideas into my next listing presentation and into my practice. Thanks for your support!


October 18, 2010

Oh Katie,,,it must be so hard to leave this beautiful home,,,but clearly seeing is believing and you are now seeing what your clients go through each time they list and sell their own homes,,,I am confident you will be moving to something just as extraordinary,,,Hey, you are still in Hawaii, for goodness sakes!! How bad can it be?


October 18, 2010

Oh Katie,,,it must be so hard to leave this beautiful home,,,but clearly seeing is believing and you are now seeing what your clients go through each time they list and sell their own homes,,,I am confident you will be moving to something just as extraordinary,,,Hey, you are still in Hawaii, for goodness sakes!! How bad can it be?

Pattie Freeman

October 19, 2010

As I prepare to either rent or sell my Kohala Ranch home, I know exactly what you mean Katie. We always tell our clients to take their personal things out of the home, but it is emotional. I think Matt could be right…we should go through this once in a while just to keep our own perspective of being the Seller and not the Realtor! It can be a very positive experience as well!

Pattie Freeman

October 19, 2010

As I prepare to either rent or sell my Kohala Ranch home, I know exactly what you mean Katie. We always tell our clients to take their personal things out of the home, but it is emotional. I think Matt could be right…we should go through this once in a while just to keep our own perspective of being the Seller and not the Realtor! It can be a very positive experience as well!

Katie Minkus, R(BIC)

October 19, 2010

@Ilona… I’m coming to live at your house, you know that, right? After the photos you showed me of your view… wowwweeee!!! You are absolutely right, I’m sure wherever we land it will be extraordinary!

@Pattie – I must admit, I am getting really excited about “what’s next?” You hit it on the nose – there’s lots to be optimistic about… that’s my next blog! Hee.

Katie Minkus, R(BIC)

October 19, 2010

@Ilona… I’m coming to live at your house, you know that, right? After the photos you showed me of your view… wowwweeee!!! You are absolutely right, I’m sure wherever we land it will be extraordinary!

@Pattie – I must admit, I am getting really excited about “what’s next?” You hit it on the nose – there’s lots to be optimistic about… that’s my next blog! Hee.

Pat Strausse, R

October 21, 2010

As you know I’m a bit ahead of you in the process of selling – my home is in escrow. And yes, every agent should go thru the process and know what it’s like to buy and sell. BUT, my experience has been…if you haven’t done it in this market – it’s like you’ve never done it before! I’m so glad we’ve got our secret helper! And, I am going to tell everyone all – after the closing! So Katie and Pattie where are we all off to now???

Pat Strausse, R

October 21, 2010

As you know I’m a bit ahead of you in the process of selling – my home is in escrow. And yes, every agent should go thru the process and know what it’s like to buy and sell. BUT, my experience has been…if you haven’t done it in this market – it’s like you’ve never done it before! I’m so glad we’ve got our secret helper! And, I am going to tell everyone all – after the closing! So Katie and Pattie where are we all off to now???

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