Protecting Oceanfront Land in North Kohala - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life
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Protecting Oceanfront Land in North Kohala

There are currently eight oceanfront parcels of raw land listed for sale in North Kohala, the district to the north of the Kohala Coast resorts.  They are priced from $594,000 for one of the oceanfront lots at Kohala Waterfront to $21,500,000 for a 63-acre parcel with subdivision approval on the same stretch of coast.  I also know of a handful of other oceanfront owners who would be sellers given the right circumstances.  But today I want you to know about an oceanfront parcel that is close to my heart and treasured by the community–and urge you to help buy this 27.5-acres of oceanfront with historic significance for all of us and future generations to enjoy its beauty.

Kauhola Point or “Lighthouse” is a 27.5-acre oceanfront peninsula close to acquisition with the assistance of The Trust for Public Land.

The Trust for Public Land Working with Local Partners to Purchase Kohala Oceanfront Property

If you’ve been a loyal reader, you might remember this used to be my listing.  But the sellers, the agent with whom I co-listed and I agreed  that given the historical significance and active usage by the community, the parcel deserved to be in public hands. The Trust for Public Land agreed.  The State Legacy Land Conservation Program agreed to the tune of $975,000.  The Freeman Family Fund gave a matching grant of $100,000.  But with only 11 days to go until the end of the year, the effort is still around $100,000 short of the $1.3 million needed to purchase and protect this oceanfront property.

The Trust for Public Land is working with a non-profit community organization, Maika’i Kamakana ‘O Kohala and community partners such as the Ocean Warriors Program through which Kohala school children provide stewardship while using the area as an outdoor classroom.  This is but the latest iteration of a long tradition of community use:

  • Kamehameha I taught his wife Ka’ahumanu to surf where locals still learn to surf today.
  • During the days of the sugar cane plantations Kauhola Point was an official recreation area, where families enjoyed both company-sponsored picnics and came for camping, fishing, and swimming, walking from the Halaula camps.
How You Can Help Buy this Treasured Oceanfront Land


The partners in this public purchase envision that they could restore the native landscaping to protect the watershed and create better habitat for shore birds, preserve view planes, and care for the remnants of historic sites, while families can still fish and surf and hike and picnic on the property.

Please Santa, watch this video : Kauhola Point (Lighthouse)   Even in Hawaii we know the story of the final snowflake whose fall breaks a strong tree branch.  A small contribution in this holiday season could be the final dollar needed!

Donations are tax-deductible.  Contact Laura Ka’akua at Trust for Public Lands (808) 524-8562 or  Or contact me for more details.  By the way, the listing was withdrawn, so I will earn no commission on this sale, other than the karmic and recreational benefits.

A hui hou

Beth Thoma Robinson R(B)

Direct: 808.443.4588  Email:




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Jenifer Davis

January 15, 2012

Thanks to everyone helping with the acquisiton of this property by the Trust for Public Land. It has been a long journey, and we are so close. Scheduled to close at the end of the 2011, we have gone into a 6 week extension so as to allow for the final fundraising push, we are now only about $75,000. short of the goal. So many have worked so hard to realize this dream.
As a North Kohala resident for over 20 years, I understood intimately the importance of preserving this special place for generations to come. This area, known as lighthouse, has for many years been a focal recreation area for the entire community. It has been my dream to see that remain the situation into perpetuity.
As I come to the end of this journey, I am proud of my role as steward for the past 12 years, and know that my ‘baby’ will be in good hands. May all who visit this special place enjoy it’s spectacular beauty and serenity as have those who have come before you.

Jenifer Davis

January 15, 2012

Thanks to everyone helping with the acquisiton of this property by the Trust for Public Land. It has been a long journey, and we are so close. Scheduled to close at the end of the 2011, we have gone into a 6 week extension so as to allow for the final fundraising push, we are now only about $75,000. short of the goal. So many have worked so hard to realize this dream.
As a North Kohala resident for over 20 years, I understood intimately the importance of preserving this special place for generations to come. This area, known as lighthouse, has for many years been a focal recreation area for the entire community. It has been my dream to see that remain the situation into perpetuity.
As I come to the end of this journey, I am proud of my role as steward for the past 12 years, and know that my ‘baby’ will be in good hands. May all who visit this special place enjoy it’s spectacular beauty and serenity as have those who have come before you.

Beth Thoma Robinson R(B)

January 16, 2012

Jenifer, a huge mahalo to you for all you have done for this property and the community. I failed to mention that before your stewardship the property was a dumping ground and you removed truckloads of old tires, metal, etc to help restore its pristine beauty.

Beth Thoma Robinson R(B)

January 16, 2012

Jenifer, a huge mahalo to you for all you have done for this property and the community. I failed to mention that before your stewardship the property was a dumping ground and you removed truckloads of old tires, metal, etc to help restore its pristine beauty.

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