Post Pandemic: Take Time to Assess Where You Are - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

Post Pandemic: Take Time to Assess Where You Are

Are you feeling exhausted? A bit out of sorts? You aren’t alone. During the pandemic, we did what we had to do. For those of us in the business and real estate world, it was heads down and hands on. We had to be decisive. Responsive. On point.

Whether you realize it or not, the pandemic has taken a toll on you. We’ve gone through two years of extreme change and trauma. We’ve experienced political unrest, economic uncertainty, loss, grief, and change. A lot of change.

Back to normal?

Now that some of the external pressure is letting up, is it time to go back to normal? Do you just hit the switch and return to business as usual? I don’t think so. More than ever, it is time for you to replenish. To refill and to recharge your life. The different life and work rhythms we all experienced during the pandemic have taken a toll, so it’s not surprising that trying to go back to business as usual is an unrealistic goal. After all, we now have new rhythms.  Different rhythms and different psyches. It may sound dramatic to say that the pandemic has changed everything, but at the very least, it’s changed some things. It has likely changed you. As such, it’s important to hit pause, evaluate, and recognize what you’ve gone through.

It’s also important to think about your next steps.

Life dynamics and work dynamics have shifted. Some for the better, some for the worst. Regardless, they have shifted and they have impacted you, your family, and your friends. So, instead of returning to business as usual, perhaps it is better to approach this new season with a new perspective. Maybe it’s time for you to assess where you are, how you are, what you want to do and who you want to be. The reality is that none of us are going back to what was. In a sense, we aren’t re-building our lives and our businesses. We are building something new. Granted, the need to do so may be more obvious for those who were hit especially hard during the pandemic, but really, are any of us truly the same? Haven’t we all felt the impact?

If you agree that things have changed and that you have changed, how do you begin to adjust to this “new normal?” How do you begin to build something new? Here’s a suggestion: catch your breath and start small. Get clarity on things and be willing to stretch yourself, but not too much. Set small, achievable goals. Small steps and quick wins toward your new future will help you build your confidence, your business, and your new life.

Can you adapt to change?

We live in a rapidly changing world. An uncertain world. Your ability to change and adapt determines your success and so does your ability to increase your capacity for effectiveness. Now is the time for you to question things. What works and what doesn’t? How has the pandemic changed things and me? Don’t ask if things have changed, instead ask how things have changed. How can you become more effective? Successful? More fulfilled?

Things may feel less intense now that we are living in a primarily post-pandemic world, but that doesn’t mean we can be less intentional about our choices, our time, our businesses, and our lives. If anything, we need to step it up. We need to be students of our world — past and present — and we need to examine and understand what we’ve been through, the toll it has taken, and the changes that have occurred. We need to adjust accordingly, but more importantly, we need to cast new vision, develop new strategies, and we need to be intentional about leading our way out of crisis and into a better future.

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