Physical Isolation, Virtual Connection - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

Physical Isolation, Virtual Connection

PIt’s unbelievable how quickly life has changed for all of us. Just two weeks ago we were out and about, working out at the gym, going to Pau Hana after work, standing on the sidelines cheering for our kids at their soccer games. Now? To stop the spread of this virus, we all have to be physically isolated. The good news is we can still be virtually connected.

Humans, in general, are “social animals.” We all have the need to interact with other human beings in one way or another, especially now more than ever, in times of crisis like this we need each other to survive and stay sane. So instead of hiding in our caves while isolating ourselves, we need to find other ways to make a connection with others.

We need to find ways to let the people in our lives know that we care about them. We need to share some ideas, solutions, and most importantly laughs! And that is how we are so fortunate to be able to live in this modern age. We have the best tools ever to stay connected (even face-to-face) without having to step foot outside. We just have to build new habits of how we connect with one another and make it a priority.

Here Are Some Ideas

Plan to connect. Up till two weeks ago, we are used to be around others all the time living our normal lives. Well, unfortunately that is not happening now, so we need a plan to stay in touch. Early in the morning when I work on my to-do list for the day, I added: “Call two friends” to make sure I’m still keeping in touch with them. A friend of mine has set up her mother (who is in a nursing home) with an iPad so they can FaceTime twice a day. I heard of moms using Zoom to set up a virtual playdates. There are also online virtual learning experience for kids who are staying at home. Scholastic has a free Learn at Home resources for school closures.

Figure Technology Out

If you browse online, you’ll find a ton of technologies that can help you connect with others. Many of them are free to use. Now that we have plenty of times on our hands, it’s time to research and learn them. And if you’re already technology savvy, it is time to teach your family and friends on how to use them.

One thing to keep in mind is to connect positively. Having the right positive mindset plays a great deal on getting us through the crisis. So let’s not spread any negativities, okay?

Here’s a Couple of Tips:

Listen, but don’t join in. Okay, sometimes we all need to vent, and I truly get that. As a good friend, just listen and let them have their moment. You don’t need to agree or provoke them, and you don’t need to talk them out of it. You can offer your positive perspective but arguing with them will go nowhere, and if your interactions with that family member or friend are always negative, consider limiting your exposure to them. Remember, you can be a good person with a kind heart and still tell people to go away when needed.

Preplan Topics

I understand this coronavirus has become all-consuming. It’s everywhere! Every news headlines, every social media, every email notifications. It’s coronavirus 24/7!

So what else can you talk about? How about that new TV shows you’ve been binging on Netflix? How about the new recipe you recently discovered? Some ideas to keep the kids happy while they’re on extended Spring Break? Maybe a new home workout routine. Let them know you care. We often don’t tell people how much we appreciate and love them. Some of us are just shy, and some of us think it’s “obvious” to the other person. Now is the time to be sincere and speak from the heart.

Let’s Stay Connected!

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