Pet Friendly Ewa Beach - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

Pet Friendly Ewa Beach

One of the most important considerations when choosing a new area to live is your pet. For most of us, our furbabies are just that—our children. We want to find an area to live that is good for us and also them. No area is better then Ewa Beach. This is an area that has numerous HOAs, but most of them are completely pet-friendly and welcoming. On any given day and hour of the day, you can see your neighbors walking and playing with their pets. This is an area filled with not only cats and dogs but fish and pet birds.

The area has numerous pet stores from the larger big-box locations to the smaller mom and pop community pet stores. Ewa beach has large wide open sidewalks, walkways, parks and dog parks. One of which is Hoalauna Park created by Ewa for Gentry, one of the local builders. This park has a huge wide open pet area that is completely fenced. It houses one section for smaller dogs under 30 lbs and one for larger breeds adjacent to each other. This park has dog trash cans and bathrooms for us humans. This is also a part of a huge children’s playground and wide open grassy area all looking at the majestic mountain range in the background. The parks are clean and friendly with a hose to fill your pet bowls with water on the hot days.

The area is so pet friendly that there are numerous local Facebook pages and local websites for pets. This is a great way to get together with either a specific breed for play dates or just pet gatherings in general. One great site is Nextdoor, which is a local app for a specific community. You can often see a picture of a lost pet taken home for safekeeping by a good neighbor. They will usually help grab a loose pet and quickly post a location and a picture for the community to quickly see. This is a huge advancement from the old days of walking around yelling your pets name. The area has in-house pet groomers from companies like Petco to the smaller local truck coming to your house or work site for grooming. There are local vets, pet emergency centers and medical centers all over the island if needed.  Hawaii is certainly not known for its ease of getting a pet from the mainland to Hawaii but if you purchase a pet locally on island, there are no restrictions. Once a pet does make it to Hawaii from the mainland, it’s smooth sailing.

Most of us stop and talk with our neighbors while walking the dogs. This is a great icebreaker and way to get to know your neighbors. I cant think of a more pet-friendly community and area then Ewa Beach. I am certainly happy to have my German Shepherd and King Charles Cavaliers growing up and experiencing Hawaii with the rest of our family in Ewa Beach.

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Harvey Brown

October 27, 2017

I am impressed as I am interested in pet friendly condos.

David Lundstrom

October 27, 2017

Happy to help find you a great pet friendly property.

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