PCS Orders Oahu - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

PCS Orders Oahu

Its that time of the year again when Oahu sees our brave men and women in the Military receive their PCS orders. Some will be moving off the island and generally, an equal amount will be receiving orders to move on. The summers months are typically the busier time of the year for the shift. This is generally based around the start and finish of the school year to avoid any gaps for children with education.

The interest rates continue to astonish most. The rates have been up and down only marginally but by and far have remained extremely low for the last several years now. This is a great time for buyers and sellers alike. The sellers are seeing more buyers come into the market that might have opted to rent if the rates were higher. On the flip side, buyers are enjoying extremely low rates, which are specifically true for a VA loan. This, in turn, can allow a buyer to possibly stretch their buying buyer and purchase the home of their dreams.

VA Buyers and Sellers on Oahu

As the market starts to heat up for both VA buyers and sellers, it is certainly a great time to be prepared. If you are selling, then don’t wait for peak time and be in a possibly crowded market. Instead, get your home ready now and get it listed while inventory is relatively low. This means taking a good look at your curb appeal, touching up the paint, and doing all the little things you can do in advance to increase your likely hood of a fast sale at the best possible price. This is also a good time to start to declutter and depersonalize the house so a new buyer can see how they would use the space.

For a potential buyer and one that generally is on the mainland, this is the time to prep. Connect with a local broker and start to get some sense of price, availability, and types of homes in your price range. We can send an MLS list of houses via email that matches your wants and needs. This is also the time to speak with a great local VA specialized lender to achieve a pre-approval. This is the best first step a buyer can take. You will know what you can afford, the price points you should be looking at, and most importantly, an estimated payment amount. This, in turn, helps when you find the home of your dreams so you can make a competitive offer and have the most important piece of the puzzle in place, being pre-approved.

Using a knowledgable agent is the key. If you are a VA buyer or seller, you should be working with someone who understands all the ins and outs of the VA protocols. This can help make what is typically a stressful process smoother and easier during a very stressful transition.

Want to Know More?

If you want to learn more about buying or selling on Oahu, please feel free to get in touch with me. I am more than happy to connect and help. Please feel free to call, text, or email me anytime to learn more about your options and possible best next steps.

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