Opening Soon in King's Shops Waikoloa - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life
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Opening Soon in King’s Shops Waikoloa

A few months ago I posted a blog about a few new and exciting additions coming to the King’s Shops in Waikoloa. I am so happy to say that it looks like things are moving along nicely, and we will soon have three new places to choose from.

You know it is a good sign when the signage changes.

For more information, you can check out Fosters Kitchen’s website. I am sure they will also be looking for staff in the next few weeks, so make sure to keep that in mind if you know of anyone looking for a job.

For a while I was beginning to think that Big Island Shave Ice Company was not going to become part of the King’s Shops ‘ohana. Another positive sign happened when they put up the wood storefront. At this time they do not have a website, but here is a link to their Facebook page.

And to the new kid on the block, a big E komo mai goes out to Island Vintage Coffee. I believe this will be the first Big Island location for them. I am looking forward to supporting another local business here in Hawai’i. Here is their website if you would like to see what they have to offer.


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Beth Robinson

August 29, 2018

And whatʻs happening at Queens Marketplace?

Monica Martines

August 30, 2018

I’m so excited about these fabulous establishments opening up at the King’s Shops. Yay!!! My husband and I are moving to the Village mid Sept. I just quit my job w/o having another to go to – scary; but, we’re taking a chance on a new life away from the hectic crazy SF Bay Area. We’re looking forward to a quieter lifestyle and hopefully reduce our stress levels. I’m spreading the word about job hunting and I hope can find a job through the coconut wire! I’ve been in Biotech since 1992; but, I know I have great skills that can transfer into another sector. Please let me know if you know of anyone looking for help. I can send my resume to them. It’s all about who you know right? Mahalo

Linda Hussey

September 4, 2018

Aloha Monica,

Great to hear. Feel free to send me an email at . As a realtor, I am constantly meeting and talking with new people. People are always looking for employees. Have a great day.

Linda Hussey

September 4, 2018


Stay tuned … I should have more information in the next week or two. So exciting to see new businesses opening in Waikoloa.

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