One of Kamuela's Hidden Treasures - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life
Big Island

One of Kamuela’s Hidden Treasures

“Waimea Parkside” – Once Part of the Legendary Parker Ranch Lands

E Komo Mai (Welcome) come and experience the Paniolo (Hawaiian cowboy) heritage lifestyle of Waimea. Waimea, also known as Kamuela, is named after Samuel (which translates to Kamuela in the Hawaiian language) Parker, the grandson of John Palmer Parker I, founder of the Parker Ranch.

The paniolo plantation-style architecture with top quality materials, workmanship incorporated with modern design will find its way to your heart and soon followed with a way to this place you will want to call “home.”

With only 15 lots available, you won’t want to miss finding your hidden treasure.

You will find me on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10:00am to 2:00pm at Waimea Parkside sharing this hidden treasure along with some of the history of the legendary Parker Ranch.

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Anthony Crisi

February 20, 2019

I am interested in the best and most affordable Military Retirement Homes in Hawaii, preferably a studio/apartment with at least three meals a day located in one of the warmer areas.

Sandy Long

March 5, 2019

Aloha Anthony,
My apologies on the delayed response, working out some of the computer glitches.

Unfortunately Hawaii does not offer Military Retirement Homes, but as a retiree of the military armed forces you are eligible to live on post in the housing. Hawaii does offer retirement homes for seniors, should you be looking to relocate to Hawai’i.
I would be more than happy to assist you in finding your new home. If you are specifically looking for Military Retirement Homes, I would recommend that you contact the VA in your area for more information.

I also would like to extend to you a BIG “MAHALO” (thank you) for serving in our military armed forces. My dad served in the Korean War, he will be 95 years old come May and I have a grandson that is actively serving.

May God Bless America!

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