One of the Best Things in Life is an Outdoor Warm Shower - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

One of the Best Things in Life is an Outdoor Warm Shower

An outdoor warm shower is a life changer! What a pleasure to take a shower under the sky in the morning or after a jump in the ocean… truly indoor-outdoor living at its best.

Some showers can be just a faucet coming out of the wall… and outdoor showers are a pleasure in any weather — I take multiple showers a day when it’s hot — even just to rinse my feet and get the sand off the back of my legs. In the cooler months, I love taking a warm shower, even in the rain. The outdoor shower is a much-appreciated part of my daily ritual. I like the way my upstairs bathroom stays so clean since we use it infrequently. You don’t track sand into the house.

Use eco-friendly soap like Doctor Bronner’s and the water sustains the ginger and ferns.

Outdoor warm showers are great for dogs — and they don’t shake all over the carpet and dry off by rubbing on the furniture… not that I know any dogs who would wipe their wet ears and red dirt on my mom’s white couch.

Adding the bamboo fencing around a shower creates privacy

My husband built ours on our condo back patio- it even has a draining system.  He did hire a licensed plumber and have a buddy help with woodwork…

Our back patio in our condo with warm shower and draining system – composting box to the right

An outdoor warm shower is definitely a necessary addition to any condo or home. I would say it gives a lot of bang for your buck and is one of those little things you will appreciate once you have access…and realize later that it was a big part of your life!

Outdoor Shower in the Polynesian Polehouse MLS 375144

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Jeremy Stice

December 12, 2017

Aloha Anna,

Such a rad post, mahalo for sharing. Really good points about using eco-friendly soaps and such for the surrounding plants. I have always loved outdoor showers and it is my favorite when it starts pouring down rain while you are in there. I am so excited for the outdoor shower in our new home, looking up at clouds, coffee plants, and Mauna Kahalawai can’t come any sooner.


December 12, 2017

> Totally! Love taking a shower in the rain… Aloha

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