New Wave Friday at Ward Village in Honolulu - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

New Wave Friday at Ward Village in Honolulu

If you haven’t experienced New Wave Friday in Kakaako, mark your calendar for the next event. Located in Honolulu’s Ward Village, next to to the South Shore Market, the pop-up urban market is a monthly event held on every 2nd Friday of the month. Spend the evening visiting tents filled with merchandise from local artists and vendors, laughing, listening to music, and trying great food prepared by some of the most popular restaurants in Honolulu.


Entertainment at New Wave Fridays. Bryson Andres on violin.

New Wave Friday live entertainment changes from month to month. Sit back and enjoy!

South Shore Market

South Shore Market at Ward Village.

The indoor/outdoor market is fun and is also a great opportunity to catch up on shopping, and a fabulous way to support local artists and businesses.

Food Stands

Try dishes from many of Honolulu’s popular restaurants and shop from local vendors.

Come to New Wave Friday hungry! There’s no shortage of good food.


Yummy food at New Wave Friday at Ward Village

Whether you live in Honolulu, or you are visiting Oahu, New Wave Friday at Ward Village is a must-do event. Eat, shop, and have a fun-filled evening!

Merchandise stands

Local vendors displaying their beautiful art, jewelry, clothing, and other merchandise

New Wave Friday Location

New Wave Friday is held every 2nd Friday of the month and is located next to South Shore Market on the corner of Queen and Auahi St. in Honolulu.

Area Information

Ward Village is a fast growing 60-acre master planned development in the heart of Honolulu. Located in the Kakaako neighborhood, Ward Village along with the rest of Kakaako, have both become popular and highly sought after by local and international buyers. Known for new condo buildings with stunning ocean views, its proximity to the beach and world-class shopping, Kakaako and Ward Village are quickly becoming the place to live in Honolulu.

With the redevelopment of Kakaako, the urban core is getting greener, prettier and more enjoyable for its residents. With new restaurants opening up, and events like New Wave Friday held regularly, residents are opting to stay in their neighborhood to enjoy sights and sounds of the city!

For information on Oahu real estate, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

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