We all know that electricity in Hawaii is one of our biggest utility expenses. Did you know there is a new program called Net Energy Meeting Plus (NEP) for current Net Energy Meeting (NEM) customers?Hawaiian Electric Companies (HECO) has a program for current NEM customers that will allow customers to install more PV panels to their current system. The good news is, this will not affect your current NEM status agreement.
From HECO, “The NEM Plus program is intended to provide existing NEM customers with the option of adding non-export technology to their system without jeopardizing their participation in the NEM program. In concept, the NEM Plus program is the equivalent of adding a Customer Self-Supply system at the same location as an active NEM system.” This is wonderful news for anyone looking to add more to their system.
Batteries & Fees
One of the first thoughts I had was, can we add battery storage to our current solar system? Yes! HECO will allow installation of new panels, battery storage or a combination of both under this program. The only restriction is the output from the Nem Plus cannot export to the grid and it must be used solely on-site. Adding more to your solar system will not increase your connection fee. The connection fee will remain $25 for residential and $50 for commercial.
Waiting Periods
Do you remember the long waiting periods for your solar to be approved by HECO? It could be days, months, years before you would hear a response regarding your application. HECO is stating, “There are no program capacity limits or queues, so there are no deadlines to meet. The only pre-requirement for participation is an executed NEM agreement.”
More Information
Are you interested in finding out more? Here is a fact sheet provided by HECO for any additional questions. If you are interested in applying for this program, please visit HECO website and apply online. Note there may be a $50 processing fee for paper applications submitted after March 1, 2019. For additional information on buying and selling advice, please contact me at 808-439-1077 or Good luck and let me know how it goes!
Yvonne Ahearn
February 7, 2019
This is great news! Thanks for the info, Fawn!
fawn bertram
February 8, 2019
> Thanks Yvonne!