Negotiation: The Art of Persuasion - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life
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Negotiation: The Art of Persuasion

What are your expectations when it comes to being represented by a Realtor? Most Buyers and Sellers rate strong negotiation skills high on their list. But, how do you define negotiation? In a nutshell, negotiating is the art of influencing or persuading others.

Is Your Real Estate Agent a Negotiator?

When it comes to the purchase or sale of your real estate, a seasoned agent who understands and employs the art of persuasion is critical to your success. So, what makes a superior negotiator? An artful persuader? It’s usually a combination of things. For one, a good negotiator needs to be very knowledgeable. Market and contract knowledge are a given, but what about what about other facts? Knowing the other side’s motivation, timing, and other critical data driving the negotiations are key. Understanding and being sensitive to the various personalities and personal dynamics involved are also important. A good negotiator learns what the other party needs and wants and can use it to your advantage. Buyers and Sellers are more willing to budge on some points if they are offered something in exchange. A little reciprocity goes a long way in creating a successful negotiation.

Make a Connection Between Buyer & Seller

Finding common ground and making connecting points between a Buyer and Seller can be a powerful path to positive persuasion. People are much more willing to work with those who share some common ground or who feel a bit more familiar to them. A good negotiator will convey areas of commonality and strive to connect the parties at some emotional level. It’s amazing what an expression of empathy can achieve in your favor.

Stay Calm, Courteous, & Upbeat

Realtors who are good at persuasion also understand that staying calm and courteous goes a long way to achieving positive outcomes for their clients. When agents are upbeat and positive, parties are more willing to negotiate. Cool heads prevail. Drama doesn’t.

Your real estate transaction rises and falls on your Realtor’s ability to negotiate. Influence. Persuade. So, work with someone who knows the facts, has finesse, and who has mastered the art of persuasion.

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sean ginella

April 30, 2021

Excellent Cherie!

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