3 Things You Should Know Before Making an Offer on a House in Hawaii - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

3 Things You Should Know Before Making an Offer on a House in Hawaii

Purchasing real estate is a fun adventure and, when done right, can be a very rewarding experience on many levels. So, before you make an offer, follow these 3 important steps to help make your property buying experience a positive one:

1. Determine How Much You Can Afford To Spend: Searching for a property can be fun and exciting when you think about getting a new place and maybe remodeling. However, before you get too carried away, it is vitally important to do the numbers first. There is no need to spend time looking at property that is not within your price range. Talk to a lender and find out financially what you pre-qualify for. This gives you a ballpark price range to work with during your real estate search.

2. Find a Location That’s Right for You: One of your most important decisions is…location, location, location! There are many factors to take into consideration when making this decision, so spend some time, do some research, and think it through. Also, make sure to get familiar with the neighborhoods and towns you are considering. One final note on this: any home can be remodeled, or even torn down and rebuilt, but location is not easily changed.

3.  Get a CMA (Comparative Market Analysis): Once you have zeroed in on a property, it’s time to have your Realtor do a CMA. By understanding how a home compares to recently sold property in the surrounding area you will be able to come to a conclusion on what to offer. Learn more about using CMA’s to find good deals in Hawaii.

If you have thought about purchasing property in Hawaii and would like a CMA, I am happy to help.

Kelly A. Lee, (R) e-PRO, CHMS

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