The Mail Must Go Through... But Maybe Not To Your Mailbox - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life
Moving To Hawaii

The Mail Must Go Through… But Maybe Not To Your Mailbox

We have all heard that the mail must go through, rain, sleet, snow, or shine! This may be true but it is a little more difficult than that in many areas on the Big Island of Hawaii. Mail delivery is not a totally normal practice in much of the Puna District. Thinking that the mail will come to your doorstep may surprise you when you find out you don’t have a mailbox at the end of your driveway.

There are some subdivisions such as Hawaiian Shores and Hawaiian Shores Recreation where mail is delivered in a way we would consider “normal” on the Mainland. The postal worker will come by and deliver your mail to your mailbox. However, most subdivisions have what are known as “long houses” where a group of mailboxes are stationed. The mail will be dropped here every day as normal, and you can stop by on your way home to pick up the mail. This is a little inconvenient but the boxes are usually set along your path home. Some areas, such as Hawaiian Paradise Park, may have a waiting list to get one of these mailboxes. You may want to see if the seller of your new home has one that you can transfer into your name rather than starting from scratch. They usually aren’t much money and work out pretty well.

If you aren’t able to secure one of these boxes at or near your home, we also have Post Offices and they all have PO Boxes, but some of those have several months that you will need to wait to get the box closest to your home. There are a few private mail places as well, but they can be expensive. I found that it is just as easy for me to have my PO Box in Hilo where there are lots of boxes, and we go to town a couple of times a week anyway to pick up the mail and do shopping.

The mail must go through is true, but it may be inconvenient at first. Make sure you research this a little as you look for your home to buy. It is something many people often take for granted until you arrive, and then it is a rush to find out what will work for you and your family. Most PO Boxes need to see your ID before giving you the key. Make sure you do what is necessary early enough so you don’t have a problem receiving your mail. It will go back to the sender if you don’t have a plan. Aloha!

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June 12, 2022

This mail delivery is truly absurd. How residents put up with this is a mystery. Mail delivery is a right, not a privilege as suggested by this article. So HPP residents may not get a “long house” or even a post office box if they move into a new home. How on Earth is this allowed in the United States?

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