Low Housing Inventory on Kauai Creates Competition Amongst Buyers and Opportunity for Sellers - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

Low Housing Inventory on Kauai Creates Competition Amongst Buyers and Opportunity for Sellers

On Kauai, we are seeing our inventory eroding with considerably more properties in escrow and selling. Only a few months ago, our inventory was hovering between 1,200-1,300 properties available. Today, the count is at only 942 properties available for sale!

House Shortage

See the Los Angeles Times article, “Shortage of homes for sale creates fierce competition; with housing inventory at a low, would-be buyers are scrambling to bid on homes before they’re even listed, and real estate agents are vying to represent the few sellers that do exist.”

If you feel now is the time to get a move on, this just may be a good time to buy on Kauai, with prices we haven’t seen in years. I’m happy to help you meet your goals and aspirations.

If you’re ready to sell, this just may be a good time to find the buyer that has been elusive until now. I’m here for to show you why and how.

Glenn R. Forman, REALTOR (S)

Have a Life-Changing Experience – Own a Slice of Paradise on Earth – Kauai!

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Shaylyn Kimura, RS

July 13, 2012

Aloha Glenn, thanks for the update! That’s quite a reduction in Kaua’i’s real estate inventory. Seems it truly is becoming a seller’s market once again.

Shaylyn Kimura, RS

July 13, 2012

Aloha Glenn, thanks for the update! That’s quite a reduction in Kaua’i’s real estate inventory. Seems it truly is becoming a seller’s market once again.

Cate McCann Fleming

July 13, 2012

Yes, if I could buy right now, I definitely wouldn’t wait! I have noticed so many “For Sale” signs coming down in my favorite neighborhood. It’s amazing!

Cate McCann Fleming

July 13, 2012

Yes, if I could buy right now, I definitely wouldn’t wait! I have noticed so many “For Sale” signs coming down in my favorite neighborhood. It’s amazing!

carol andrews

July 16, 2012

I have Buyer’s who felt the need to wait for the market to continue to decline. Now they are upset with themself as those amazing deals are gone and they are now willing to step up to the plate. They see inventory is less than it was. They willnot let another good listing pass them by.

carol andrews

July 16, 2012

I have Buyer’s who felt the need to wait for the market to continue to decline. Now they are upset with themself as those amazing deals are gone and they are now willing to step up to the plate. They see inventory is less than it was. They willnot let another good listing pass them by.

Kellen Ponce, REALTOR (S)

July 20, 2012

Thanks for the article Glen, an eye opener for both buyers and sellers.

Kellen Ponce, REALTOR (S)

July 20, 2012

Thanks for the article Glen, an eye opener for both buyers and sellers.

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