
Living Lightly

When you enter your home, does it feel light? What does “feeling light” even mean? Essentially, it means you feel good. Do you feel good when you enter your home? Is it a place of peace, comfort, and harmony?

Living lightly also means living a simple, stress-free life. So, how do you live lightly?

Reduce Consumption for a Lighter Life

Start with reducing consumption. The less you consume, the lighter you’ll feel. When you choose to live with less—less stuff, less activity, less overhead—you will feel lighter. Fewer expectations can also lead to feelings of lightness, and clearing out emotional baggage from your mind and heart is key. Decluttering your home helps, too. Turning away from excess stuff and clutter definitely equates to turning toward lighter living.

Personalizing a Lighter Lifestyle

Choosing to live lighter is a personal choice, and it will mean different things to different people. For you, it may mean doing more things you enjoy and fewer things that cause you stress. It might involve simplifying, decluttering, downsizing, or rightsizing. You may need to make drastic changes to live lighter, or perhaps small adjustments in your routine will suffice. Lighter living is all about taking whatever steps are necessary so that you feel good.

The following quote from Aldous Huxley about living lightly sums it up well:

“It’s dark because you are trying too hard. Lightly child, lightly. Learn to do everything lightly. Yes, feel lightly even though you’re feeling deeply. Just lightly let things happen and lightly cope with them… So throw away your baggage and go forward… That’s why you must walk so lightly.”

Declutter Your Mind, Heart, and Home

What’s “sucking at your feet?” If you want to go forward lightly, consider taking some time to declutter your mind, heart, and home. Simple steps can lead to simple living. And simple living will lighten your load—and your life.

Here’s to walking and living lightly!

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