We all know that life can be challenging. Things can go upside down and circumstances and people can be difficult. Very difficult. Perhaps, now more than ever. That is why it is so crucial to find humor and reasons to laugh in our everyday lives.
You’ve heard it said that laughter is proven medicine. It’s true! It’s a natural stress reliever. Studies show that laughter triggers endorphins, your body’s feel-good chemicals. And, those same chemicals help reduce stress and anxiety.
Benefits of Laughter
There are so many benefits to humor and laughter. When you laugh, you actually boost your immunity and improve your cardiovascular health. Laughter can even bring a measure of pain relief. Laughing just makes you feel better.
Other benefits to laughing and humor include a more positive mindset. When you look at your circumstances through the lens of humor, you can see challenges in a different light. A better light. You will be able to manage your challenges and circumstances better when you maintain your sense of humor and when you learn to laugh at those things that typically annoy you and bring you stress.
There are so many advantages when it comes to laughing. When you share laughter with friends and family, your bonds are strengthened. Laughter connects people because it is a universal language. You might even get a boost in your creativity. A good laugh and a little humor can increase your creative thinking and problem-solving abilities.
It’s Time to Laugh More!
If it is true that laughter strengthens our immune systems and boosts our moods, why don’t we laugh more? Nothing works faster than a good laugh to bring our bodies back into balance, so what’s holding us back from a good chortle or chuckle?
Maybe we take ourselves too seriously. Or maybe, we watch the news too much and focus on all that’s wrong in the world. Perhaps we’re lonely and need to be around more people – people who don’t take things so seriously and who lighten our lives and make us laugh. And maybe, just maybe, we need to strip ourselves of the pride that keeps us from just being silly.
With so much power to heal and renew, why not head into 2024 with the intention to laugh more? Won’t it feel great to feel lighter and more hopeful? Don’t you want more connection with those you love and better physical and emotional health? If you do, make it a point to laugh. A lot! Laughter is absolutely free, but the benefits are priceless!
So, learn to laugh more in 2024! Not only will you feel better, but so will the people around you.
January 14, 2024
Great article and a wonderful reminder to laugh and even LOL.
. Thank you!!