Koloa Plantation Days 2015: 10 Days of Fun & Entertainment - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

Koloa Plantation Days 2015: 10 Days of Fun & Entertainment

The festival this year begins July 17 and features 10 days of fun and entertainment, as well as culinary and cultural events. Plantation Days celebrates the heritage and local history of Koloa when the sugar industry started in 1835. This is a community that looks forward to this event all year long with activities each day for children and adults. This festival celebrates all the ethnic groups who came to work the sugar plantations, which were Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Filipino.

This Year’s Events Include…

The parade each year begins in Koloa town and has many businesses and resorts in Poipu taking part in the floats. This includes a competition for the best of the entries. The parade each year begins in Koloa town and has many businesses and resorts in Poipu taking part in the floats. This includes a competition for the best of the entries.

The paniolo (cowboys) are a familiar part of the history of the islands. Located past the Hyatt, CJM Stables holds events like roping and barrel racing at the stable and rodeo arena; there’s also a paniolo BBQ and music night. There is plenty of music, hula, and Hawaiian and diverse cultural traditions and cultural activities.

On July 20th there will be an event at Kukui’ula Shopping Village with different booths set up with a variety of cuisines, a night of music and shopping at art galleries, and local favorites like fish tacos and shave ice.

On the last day there is a wonderful day of music and hula at the ballpark, and this year the headliner will be Hapa. The silent auction is held there with donations from local businesses and the resorts. These days are filled with nature walks, fishing, and tennis competition, a miniature golf contest, and a family fun run.

Want to Join in the Fun?

To take part in these many treats, go to the Koloa Plantation Days’ website for times.

Miki Jenkins, R(S)

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