Got $20 Million to Spend on Kohala Coast Real Estate? - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life
Big Island

Got $20 Million to Spend on Kohala Coast Real Estate?

Have you ever wondered what $20 million dollars buys on the Big Island?

Asking $20,500,000 is this 4 bed/5 bath home (MLS# 237310) at Hualalai Four Seasons Resort

To start with, there is the ocean view. There are very few places on the Big Island where you can live this close to a white sandy beach and listen to the sounds of the waves breaking within feet of your master bedroom. At Hualalai (in the Big Island’s Four Season’s Resort) there are “front row” homes—homes that face the ocean with a world class golf course between them and the sand—and then there are “oceanfront” homes. A couple of them. This is one of those few, unique, very special luxury estate homes.

Tropical living at its very best

Secondly, there’s the estate itself, with over 5,000 sqft of living space, several guest “pods” and a built-in gigantic aquarium (naturally!). The koa wood kitchen is worthy of “oohing” and “ahhing” over—and if I counted correctly there are more outdoor showers than indoor showers—not to mention the incredible walkways meandering over and around koi ponds.

And then there’s the proximity to the Kukio Beach Club, through private beach gate access, and the Hualalai Canoe Club, for members only. Not only can you see and hear the ocean from your bed, you can practically jump right onto a paddleboard or in for a dive with your gear on from the lanai! Does it get better than that?

But the real story here is one of real estate basics: location, location, location. This is one of the best locations on the entire island, located within one of the best gated resort communities in the state (sometimes ranked in the top 10 in the world). It’s a premier location, with a premium price tag. Got $20 million?

It’s never too late to live your best Hawaii Life!

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Anthony Sayles, RS

September 17, 2010

I love Hualalai! What a great development..Nice post Katie.

Anthony Sayles, RS

September 17, 2010

I love Hualalai! What a great development..Nice post Katie.

Dano Sayles

September 18, 2010

The Hualalai Four Seasons is one of the nicest resorts in the world.Lucky we live Hawaii.Make it a great weekend Katie !

Dano Sayles

September 18, 2010

The Hualalai Four Seasons is one of the nicest resorts in the world.Lucky we live Hawaii.Make it a great weekend Katie !

Kaiholo Hale

September 18, 2010

Looks like a good way to spend a truck full of money. Nice property.

Kaiholo Hale

September 18, 2010

Looks like a good way to spend a truck full of money. Nice property.

Cliff Edge

September 18, 2010

Wow, I need to get to the Big Island more often.

Cliff Edge

September 18, 2010

Wow, I need to get to the Big Island more often.

Aloha Tony

September 22, 2010

Maybe the most amazing part is that whoever buys this property has so much money that $20 million isn’t all that much to them.

Aloha Tony

September 22, 2010

Maybe the most amazing part is that whoever buys this property has so much money that $20 million isn’t all that much to them.

Katie Minkus, R(B), Broker-in-Charge Big Island Sales

September 24, 2010

@Tony – that may very well be true!!

@ Cliff – come back anytime – we LOVE our island visitors!!!

@ Kaiholo – I love the visual of “truck full of money” – I keep seeing the buyer drive up in a big 4-wheel drive truck piled high with cash! Hee.

Katie Minkus, R(B), Broker-in-Charge Big Island Sales

September 24, 2010

@Tony – that may very well be true!!

@ Cliff – come back anytime – we LOVE our island visitors!!!

@ Kaiholo – I love the visual of “truck full of money” – I keep seeing the buyer drive up in a big 4-wheel drive truck piled high with cash! Hee.

More for your Money – Big Island Luxury Real Estate « Hawaii Real Estate Market

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[…] Island, only three are pricier.  Topping the list at $20.5 million is a relatively modest 5,614 Hualalai residence…remember that value in this category of real estate has little to do with the replacement […]

More for your Money – Big Island Luxury Real Estate « Hawaii Real Estate Market

October 1, 2010

[…] Island, only three are pricier.  Topping the list at $20.5 million is a relatively modest 5,614 Hualalai residence…remember that value in this category of real estate has little to do with the replacement […]

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