West Maui's Kahoma Village in Lahaina: Fall 2015 Update - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

West Maui’s Kahoma Village in Lahaina: Fall 2015 Update

As of my last writing in May…Stanford Carr, the developers of Kahoma Village, had a hopeful target period of September for releasing sales information on their upcoming 203-unit single and multi-family residential development planned for Lahaina. Exact location is immediately South of the Cannery mall, on 22 acres just makai (seaward) side of Honoapiilani Hwy.

Kahoma Village Residential Park

Kahoma Village Residential Park

Of the 22 acres, 1.75 acres is being designated open space “park areas” and Kahoma Village is expected to have several sustainable “Green” design features in architectural, civil, and landscaping development that should appeal to the West Maui eco-friendly environment.

Screen Shot 2015-09-26 at 3.18.12 PMScreen Shot 2015-09-26 at 3.21.57 PMScreen Shot 2015-09-26 at 3.17.52 PM

Of the 203 total units offered for sale, 102 are being “termed or marketed” as affordable. This generally means that candidates at or below 140% of the Maui County average income will qualify and this number varies based on the number of people in the household. I believe the selection process will follow a lottery formula. For complete details on qualifications, see the Hawaii Housing Finance & Development Corporation website.

Kahoma Village Conceptual Site Plan

Kahoma Village Conceptual Site Plan

Progress Report

So, after speaking with a representative today, it seems that, like most things in West Maui…patience for progress is required 🙂 as groundbreaking is taking longer than optimistically expected.

I couldn’t nail down an official “on the record date” regarding price details, but from the conversation…I’d say the best case scenario is at the very end of the year, or beginning of next…but, definitely no official promises were made from Stanford Carr.

Kahoma Village Single- Family Units

Kahoma Village Single-Family Units

The good news for interested Buyers: the developer is in the loan process and the delay is not from a County planning, zoning, or permitting issue. However, let’s not get too excited until we see the heavy machinery in place and the dust curtains erected.

Can’t Get Enough of Kahoma Village or Want to Learn More?

Please stay tuned, as I will provide more information as it happens. Please see my last article Kahoma Village: Lahaina’s New Affordable Housing Development, or feel free to contact me directly.

Thanks for reading!
– Aloha,

Image & Rendering Source: Urban Design & Review Board Proposal March 2014

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April 2, 2016

Hi Jeff,

Thank you for sharing information thus far regarding Kahoma Village. I’m having difficulty finding out where I can apply for the list of potential affordable housing buyers. You mentioned it might follow a lottery formula. Do you have any further information about this? Mahalo!

Jeff Onderko

June 10, 2016

Caitlin: just letting you know, I should have an update for you shortly. Aloha, Jeff


April 2, 2016

Hi Jeff,

Thank you for sharing information thus far regarding Kahoma Village. I’m having difficulty finding out where I can apply for the list of potential affordable housing buyers. You mentioned it might follow a lottery formula. Do you have any further information about this? Mahalo!

Jeff Onderko

June 10, 2016

Caitlin: just letting you know, I should have an update for you shortly. Aloha, Jeff

Jeff Onderko

April 5, 2016

Hi Caitlin: Thanks for your reply.

I am hoping to have some further information in the next week…even if that means, announcing there is no new information 🙂 Just want to put a current update out there as this has been stalled quite a bit.

However, i remain optimistic, and in answer to your question about “list of potential affordable housing buyers”….do you mean, the criteria for a Buyer to meet the affordable requirements or do you mean an affordable housing lender”

Happy to help. – Aloha

Jeff Onderko

April 5, 2016

Hi Caitlin: Thanks for your reply.

I am hoping to have some further information in the next week…even if that means, announcing there is no new information 🙂 Just want to put a current update out there as this has been stalled quite a bit.

However, i remain optimistic, and in answer to your question about “list of potential affordable housing buyers”….do you mean, the criteria for a Buyer to meet the affordable requirements or do you mean an affordable housing lender”

Happy to help. – Aloha


November 23, 2016

Looking forward to updates about how to apply for the affordable housing.

Jeff Onderko

November 25, 2016

HI Michael: Thanks for your email, I appreciate it. I will certainly keep you posted of any updates as I know them. Happy to help. Curious if you saw the most recent update to the project progress report posted in October? Feel free to respond directly to jeffonderko@hawaiilife.com


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