Ka Makana Ali'i Filled With Community In Ewa Area For Its Opening Weekend - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

Ka Makana Ali'i Filled With Community In Ewa Area For Its Opening Weekend

The new phase one of Ka Makana Ali’i is now open and it looked like the whole state went to the opening weekend. This is not only a much needed addition of new restaurants and shops for the area, but also a place for the community.


The opening weekend saw DJ’s, live music, radio stations, and dancers. It was nice to see so many members of the community sitting and talking story while being entertained. There is lots of open space and community areas in the mall, so you can not only shop, but also catch up with friends, neighbors, and family. So, not only do we now have a bunch of new places to shop and eat, we also have a place to catch up, sit down, and enjoy.

So far, each of the first few nights have been filled with a spectacular fireworks display at closing. Hopefully this is a tradition they can continue once in a while at the center.

More Information

If you would like to know more about Ka Makana Ali’i or the Ewa area, please contact me.

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