Is Home Staging Worth the Cost? - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life
Selling Advice

Is Home Staging Worth the Cost?

Let’s Talk About Home Staging…

As a realtor and a certified professional home stager, homeowners often ask me just what it is I do when I stage a property, and why is it necessary to stage a home.

What is Home Staging?

Home staging is the activity or practice of styling and furnishing a property for sale in such a way as to enhance its attractiveness and create a feeling to potential buyers.

The goal of staging is to make a home appealing to the highest number of potential buyers, thereby selling a property more swiftly and for more money. As a realtor and a professional home stager I am always asked, “what exactly does a home stager do and why should I have my home staged prior to listing?

A certified home stager is similar to an interior decorator, with expertise in planning and choosing colors, fabrics, and furniture that compliment the style of the property and arranging them all in a way that makes your home look its very best. Keep in mind the home stager is not focused on creating a home that suits your personal taste and needs for everyday comfort, but instead is focused on making your home appeal to a broad range of tastes. Staging done correctly emotionally attracts buyers to imagine themselves living there!

How Does the Home Staging Process Begin?

As your realtor and home stager, I will meet with you to examine the property you will sell from top to bottom. We will discuss decluttering and organizing, repairs and cleaning, storage and moving services. From there I will advise you on what part or all of your property needs to be staged, be it light staging, redesigning (using what you already have, adding updated accessories) or if you are moving out, the need for full or vacant staging. Together we will come up with a budget, plan of action, and a timeline that suits your needs.

How Much Does Staging or Redesigning Cost?

Staging prices and packages vary from $1000 to $10,000 and up. Costs are determined by the amount of staging needed (plan of action), and the size and style of the property.

Statics prove that the price of home staging is less than your first price reduction!

Have More Questions About Staging or Redesigning?

Let’s get together and chat! You can also view my staging photos on Yelp.

Gina Overton,  Realtor, RB-19334  | Certified Stager | Hawaii Life Real Estate Brokers

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Cherie Tsukamoto

June 11, 2019

Great article, Gina. You offer great value to your clients and to our company!

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