An Introduction to Rotary in Hawaii - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

An Introduction to Rotary in Hawaii

Rotary arrived in Hawaii aboard the ship Lurline, when V.O. Lawrence, a member of the Rotary Club of Oakland, CA and James L. Coke, later the Chief Justice of the Territory of Hawaii, sailed from San Francisco to Hawaii and talked about introducing Rotary here.

The first Rotary Club in Hawaii was chartered on July 1, 1915. Since then, we have grown to 51 clubs with close to 1,700 business and professional leaders who provide humanitarian services to improve communities locally and around the world. As a Rotarian, members have access to Rotary’s network of approximately 1.2 million members in more than 32,000 clubs in more than 200 countries. In 2020, The Rotary International Convention is scheduled in Honolulu from June 6-10. More than 50,000 attendees are expected to attend and experience the beauty of these Islands, and some will make a decision to buy real estate.

Right after moving here, I asked my accountant about an organization that I could join to meet new people and network. She introduced me to the Rotary Club of Honolulu Sunset, which I joined in 1999. Little did I know how many amazing connections I would make, forming lifelong friendships, connecting with business people, and at same time making a difference in our community. Moving to a new place is exciting, and being able to connect with a network of like-minded people made a huge difference in how I was able to embrace my new home, Hawaii.

Hawaii is one of the most beautiful places in this world and buying property here is a dream come true for many, as we can watch on HGTV, with home buyers featured in this series who rely on Hawaii Life Real Estate to make their island living dreams come true.

Contact me so I can help you find your dream home and a Rotary Club to start your journey in paradise.

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