I'm Still Smiling - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life
Big Island

I’m Still Smiling

When I fulfilled my goal to become a realtor became a reality I was overjoyed. Anyone that knows me will tell you that I am a social person which in my humble opinion is an asset when it comes to working with the public in any capacity. I love interacting with people and hearing their life stories and experiences. Although I do enjoy the luxury of being able to work from my home, it is the “people part” that fulfills me. Over the past few weeks as in home quarantines have become a reality, I have had a lot of time for introspection. I have had several light bulb moments if you will. The reality of how blessed I am to live in an amazing place with a happy and healthy family. The concept of a want versus a need and how it really is the little things that matter most. Happiness and love are always surrounding us. We just need to know where to look.

Just a few examples of what you will find if you just stop to look. Please feel free to share your photos.

Photo credit Kelli Jo Steiner

Photo credit Kelli Jo Steiner

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Julie Keller

April 3, 2020

Nice Linda! Love is the answer 🙂

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