I "Might" Not Be The Right Real Estate Agent For You | Oahu, Hawaii - Homes by Fawn

I “Might” Not Be The Right Real Estate Agent For You | Oahu, Hawaii

Real Estate Agent

If you don’t like pizza, I’m probably not the right agent for you. Guys, pizza is my all-time favorite.
I may not be the right agent for you if you can’t handle how much I love basketball, Go Dubs! Hi, this is Fawn Bertram with Homes by Fawn and Hawaii Life.

If you don’t think hiking in our beautiful island is one of the best things to do, I’m probably not the right agent for you. If you don’t like to watch scary movies, I’m probably not the right agent for you.

Hopes and Dreams

I’m not the right agent for you if you care that I ask about your hopes and your dreams. If you expect your agent to wear high heels every day, I’m probably not the right agent for you. If you can’t appreciate See’s Candies, I might not be the right agent for you. I always have See’s somewhere in the home.

If you think just putting a sign in the yard and slapping your house on the MLS will get your house sold, I’m probably not the right agent for you. You might think I am crazy for making this video, but the truth is, I’m not for everybody, and I don’t want to work with everybody. I want to work with people who want to work with me. I want you to find an agent who is right for you. Someone that you can trust and someone that you like. My style and personality are not for everyone, and that’s okay. I’ll still like you even if we don’t work together.

Full Time Agent

So what am I? I am a full time agent with a digital marketing background. I’m an agent that wants to get to know you, your family, your hopes and dreams. I am an agent that wears slippers a lot but I also work day and night. I am here to do anything we can to make sure you love where you live.
So if all those things sound like something you want in an agent, you should definitely give me a call. Fawn Bertram with Homes by Fawn. We’re here to provide you with a smarter approach to real estate. Make it a great home buying and selling day.

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