How To Stay Resilient - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

How To Stay Resilient

How do you stay resilient in tough times? How do you handle tension? What qualities do you need to possess to adapt to highly stressful situations? To a crisis? There may not be one prescription that works for everyone. But, learning to be resilient can help. Resilient people are capable of adapting to adversity. They are able to manage stress caused by life changes. And, they can handle an intense crisis with greater ease.

Here are a Few Expert Tips for Staying Resilient:

1. Develop a core set of beliefs that nothing can shake.

2. Try to find meaning in whatever stressful or traumatic thing has happened.

3. Try to maintain a positive outlook.

4. Take cues from someone who is especially resilient.

5. Don’t run from things that scare you: face them.

6. Be quick to reach out for support when things go haywire.

7. Learn new things as often as you can.

8. Find an exercise regimen you’ll stick to.

9. Don’t beat yourself up or dwell on the past.

10. Recognize what makes you uniquely strong — and own it.

With the right focus and a little practice, anyone can develop resilience. Certainly, today more than ever, we need to be resilient people.

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Kelly Arita

March 31, 2020

Thanks Cherie!

Julie Keller, R(B)

March 31, 2020

Love it!! Thank you Cherie.

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